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[master] Fix handling jobs without a RunNumber in TransformationSystem/Client/TaskManager

Chris Burr requested to merge cburr/LHCbDIRAC:fix-mcreco-again into master


2021-06-16 04:50:07 UTC Transformation/WorkflowTaskAgent-MCNotSimulation/WorkflowTasks ERROR: Could not found an input data or a run number
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/dirac/pro/LHCbDIRAC/TransformationSystem/Client/", line 32, in _handleInputs
    self.log.verbose('Setting run number to %s' % str(paramsDict['RunNumber']))
KeyError: 'RunNumber'
2021-06-16 04:50:07 UTC Transformation/WorkflowTaskAgent-MCNotSimulation/ [Thread6] [137289] ._execute ERROR: Exception executing operation submitTasks
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/TransformationSystem/Agent/", line 306, in _execute
    res = getattr(self, operation)(transIDOPBody, clients)
  File "/opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/TransformationSystem/Agent/", line 580, in submitTasks
  File "/opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/TransformationSystem/Agent/", line 608, in _prepareAndSubmitAndUpdateTasks
  File "/opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/TransformationSystem/Client/", line 513, in prepareTransformationTasks
    return self.__prepareTasks(transBody, taskDict, owner, ownerGroup, ownerDN)
  File "/opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/TransformationSystem/Client/", line 746, in __prepareTasks
    self._handleInputs(oJob, paramsDict)
  File "/opt/dirac/pro/LHCbDIRAC/TransformationSystem/Client/", line 44, in _handleInputs
    raise KeyError('Could not found an input data or a run number')
KeyError: 'Could not found an input data or a run number'


*TransformationSystem FIX: Fix submitting files without a RunNumber (i.e. MCReconstruction)


Merge request reports
