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Draft: feat: update RunApplication to provide a container to RemoteRunner


Just in case you would think of any more elegant solution, I also tried the following approaches:

  • Starting lb-prod-run from the cvm4 container. It fails with:
> singularity exec --bind cvmfs/:/cvmfs cvm4.sif bash
Singularity> singularity exec /cvmfs/ ls
ERROR  : Failed to set effective UID to 0

export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=</a/path/to/tmp>
> singularity exec --userns --bind cvmfs/:/cvmfs cvm4.sif bash
INFO:    Converting SIF file to temporary sandbox...
FATAL:   while extracting cvm4.sif: root filesystem extraction failed: could not create /a/path/to/tmp/rootfs-842229901/root/dev: mkdir /a/path/to/tmp/rootfs-842229901/root/dev: permission denied
  • Starting lb-prod-run from bare metal using the cvmfs directory available on the remote host. I quickly got some issues as /cvmfs is hardcoded in many different places.

BEGINRELEASENOTES *Core CHANGE: RunApplication now provides a container to RemoteRunner ENDRELEASENOTES

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