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Signing production fixes

Emir Muhammad requested to merge emmuhamm_fix_singing into main

Dirac bug

Slight bug found in, with the setting up dirac and making it an int.

THis is fixed. Now when I run locally, I get

(lbapi) LbAPI » lb-dirac python src/LbAPI/ci/templates/ --req_ids 125529
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/epp/phrmcb/LbAPI/src/LbAPI/ci/templates/", line 35, in <module>
  File "/home/epp/phrmcb/LbAPI/src/LbAPI/ci/templates/", line 31, in parse_args
    returnValueOrRaise(pmc.updateProductionRequest(int(req), {"RequestState": "PPG OK"}))
  File "/cvmfs/", line 220, in returnValueOrRaise
    raise SErrorException(result, errorCode)
DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ReturnValues.SErrorException: ({'OK': False, 'Errno': 0, 'Message': 'Only PPG members or Tech. experts are allowed to sign submitted request', 'rpcStub': [['ProductionManagement/ProductionRequest', {'timeout': 600, 'skipCACheck': False, 'keepAliveLapse': 150}], 'updateProductionRequest', [125529, {'RequestState': 'PPG OK'}]]}, 0)

Which is as expected as I'm not ppg!

Async bug

Before the submitting and signing was done in an asynchronous manner, meaning that they can run in any order. Thats why it caused this bug

this is fixed

Edited by Emir Muhammad

Merge request reports