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Move func to run checks to LbAPCommon

Dylan Jaide White requested to merge djwhite/move-checks-run into master

Moves the function that runs the correct check implementation based on a job data dictionary to LbAPCommon. This is done to reduce code duplication between LbAPLocal and LbAnalysisProductions, as currently running checks both locally and in CI tests uses an identical implementation in both repos.

While updating the tests to use this common run_job_checks() function, I noticed there was no option in the YAML for luminosity pattern for num_entries_per_invpb checks. So this MR also adds this.

FYI @gtuci

Corresponding MR for LbAPLocal: lbaplocal!39 (merged). Change also included for LbAnalysisProductions in LbAnalysisProductions!94 (closed). Documentation for the added YAML option is in lhcb-datapkg/AnalysisProductions!203 (merged).

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Edited by Dylan Jaide White

Merge request reports
