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DecayTreeTuple configuration class

Adam Morris requested to merge admorris/dtt_config into master

Output designed to be parsed by

the workflow I had in mind is something like this:

  • create a DTTConfig object with:
    • decay descriptor (from stripping line)
    • branches dict (allows the user to "rename" particles, i.e. choose the prefixes for the columns in the eventual data)
    • input TES location (from stripping line)
    • name (user-chosen)
  • render the decay tree as connected nodes
  • render the list of TupleTools on each node (including "globally"), obtained from listTools
  • add and remove tools as desired with addTool and removeTool. when adding tools, a name is optional but strongly recommended
  • configure tools:
    • grab the existing configuration with getToolConfig
    • allow the user to modify it (each option should be an <input> of the appropriate type, checkbox, number, text...)
    • save the changes with configureTool
  • at the end, save this.config somewhere (eventually to a JSON file)
Edited by Adam Morris

Merge request reports