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Configurable NPM Package


  • Added configuration to publish the Ntuple Wizard as an NPM package
  • Switched to a different compression package (fflate -> pako) because Babel transpilation for the NPM package does not work with fflate
  • Ensured configurability
    • Routes
    • [Future] Hide certain fields

How to publish

  1. Create an account at
  2. Create an organisation
  3. From the command line in the root of the project, login to NPM using npm login
  4. Check package.json to see whether the package has the desired name, version, description etc.
  5. Publish the package using npm publish (this will automatically trigger transpilation through the prepublishOnly script in package.json)
  6. Add the package to the organisation

If you need any help, don't hesitate to contact me via Mattermost.

Merge request reports
