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Configurable output handling


  • A submit button has been added, allowing the application to send the following data to a configurable URL through a POST request
    • productionName
    • contactEmail
    • reasonForRequest
    • files: the production configuration files produced by the Ntuple Wizard
  • A reasonForRequest input field has been added
  • New configurable props
    • A configurable submitLocation to which the request is sent
    • The user's email can be preconfigured since, for example, the email address is already known through CERN SSO in the Ntupling Service application. Preconfiguring it hides the email input field.
    • Hiding download buttons has been made configurable

NtupleWizard component with all its configurable fields

    submitLocation="" // Leave empty to hide the submit button -> overrides hideDownloadButtons to false
    contactEmail="" // Leave empty to let the user fill in their email address
    hideDownloadButtons={true} // Can be overridden by submitLocation

How the different configurations look

Depending on the configuration settings for the NtupleWizard component, the Ntuple Wizard appears in one of three forms:

Only download button

Only submit button

Download and submit button

Edited by Daan Eduard Rosendal

Merge request reports