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Small BG update for Lb2L1520mue analysis

Dan Thompson requested to merge RD-Lb2L1520mue-BGs into main

This is a small update to a bg sample request that was made at the start of 2022. The details of that are attached here: jan22_bgRequest.txt. The plan with that was to study 2012/2016 initially and then submit a further request for the samples that are dominant and need further study. Hence this sample only requesting those years.

Summary of request:

  • Essentially it is two important semileptonic backgrounds with excited Lambda_cSt states + a another semileptonic mode we missed previously.
  • The LcSt states we are requesting for DST as these are expected to be the most important in the analysis and hence will be good to be able to NoPID restrip them as needed.
  • for 2016, the default stripping version of 28r2 is fine, but we need the specific one tagged for 2012 I believe for the latest version of Bu2LLK_meline
  • the specific numbers are to match the previous request.

If there are any queries please tag @nsahoo also as I will be away for the next few weeks! Feel free to remove the draft label when any outstanding details are sorted

Merge request reports
