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[QEE] Exp.2024 conditions for electroweak early-measurement.

Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-ewMC-exp24 into main

Postponed until Mar-27th

From this presentation by gloria (Thanks Emir for sharing this!)

26-Mar: Freeze geometry, conditions Gauss and Boole for 2024 with best knowledge.

As we want this for Data/MC comparisons and early performance studies etc. it's probably best to wait for this Freeze.

Now Live! See: !479 (comment 7782826)


For electroweak analyses on the 2024 data, want appropriate up-to-date simulation that matches the detector conditions.

event-code #Events/Pol [k] Short Descr.
42112001 500 Z/Gamma*->mu mu (1 lepton with pT>4GeV, invariant mass cut 40GeV)
42100001 500 Z/Gamma*->tau tau (1 lepton with pT > 4 GeV,invariant mass>40GeV)
42311003 2,500 W->mu nu_mu (lepton_pt > 10GeV)
42300001 1,500 W->tau nu_tau ->mu (mu_pt > 10GeV)
42112015 250 Dimuon DrellYan (muon PT>1GeV, dimuon invarmass > 20GeV && < 40GeV)
49000011 25,000 QcdBgd (1 particle in the acceptance with pT > 18 GeV with Hard QCD enabled)
49011014 1,500 ccbar->mu X (muon pt > 14 GeV, within acceptance. Phase space cuts.)
49011015 6,500 bbbar->mu X (muon pt > 14 GeV, within acceptance. Phase space cuts.)
24142001 4,000 Jpsi(1S)->mu mu (radiative mode included, daughters in acceptance)
18112001 4,000 Upsilon(1S) -> mu mu (radiative mode included, daughters in acceptance)
42122001 500 Z/Gamma*->e e (1 lepton with pT>4GeV, invariant mass cut 40GeV)

Evts Calculated via:
mc:data * Lumi * Cross-section. (Rounded to be nice numbers 🙂)
mc:data ~ 1.5. [Chosen to get just below PPG limit of 100M total events per request]
lumi = 1/fb.

NB: QcdBgd = 49000011 with 18B events cut down to 50M/polarity to be more reasonable/responsible.


  • Discuss with other EW proponents.
    • Add Z/g->ee mode : 42122001
  • Approval from Liaison

For Reference: /MC/expected-2024.Q1.2/Beam6800GeV-expected-2024.Q1.2-MagDown-Nu7.6-25ns-Pythia8/Sim10c/{event-type}/DIGI is the bkk

Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports
