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fix: cmake warning configurable CountingPrescaler missining in database

Christoph Hasse requested to merge chasse_fix_cmake_warning into master

Supposed to fix a warning we see in the nightlies.

This was already logged as issue in #15 (closed) where @rmatev actually mentions this exact fix but said it didn't work for him.

But based on the documentation of lhcb_add_confuser_dependencies I do think that the dependency isn't correct and the file does have the following changes with the fix:


build Alignment/Escher/genConfDir/Escher/Escher_user.confdb: CUSTOM_COMMAND ../Alignment/Escher/python/Escher/ || Alignment/TAlignment/TAlignment_confuserdb


build Alignment/Escher/genConfDir/Escher/Escher_user.confdb: CUSTOM_COMMAND ../Alignment/Escher/python/Escher/ || Alignment/AlignKernel/ Alignment/TAlignment/ Alignment/TAlignment/

Before the change I was able to reproduce the problem locally, afterwards I wasn't.
So let's take this for a spin in the nightlies.

Merge request reports
