Extend tests for Allen
Physics performance: nightly as part of ci-test
Forward tracking (with UT), 100 events, minbias FTv6 sample -
Seeding and matching, 100 events, minbias FTv6 sample -
veloUT tracking, 100 events, minbias FTv6 sample -
velo tracking, 100 events, minbias FTv6 sample -
calo cluster efficiency, 1k events, Bd->K*gamma sample -
calo cluster resolution, 1k events, Bd->K*gamma sample -
switch existing track reconstruction tests to use BsPhiPhi sample, 1k events -
Forward tracking w/o UT, 1k events, BsPhiPhi sample -
MuonID efficiency for forward tracks, 1k events, ZMuMu sample -
MuonID efficiency for seeding-matching tracks, 1k events, ZMuMu sample -
PV efficiency on pp minbias and pHe-pp minbias samples -
PV resolution on pp minbias and pHe-pp minbias samples
Physics performance: PR dashboard nightly / weekly tests
Forward tracking with UT: efficiency versus various kinematic variables, track properties -
Track reconstruction efficiency, with separate category for electrons -
Forward tracking with and w/o UT, seeding and matching -
long tracks versus eta, phi, p, pt -
long from B versus eta, phi, p, pt -
ghosts versus eta, nPVs, p, pt
veloUT tracks -
veloUT tracks versus eta, phi, p, pt -
long from B versus eta, phi, p, pt -
ghosts versus eta, nPVs, p, pt
velo tracks -
velo tracks versus eta, phi, p, pt -
long from B versus eta, phi, p, pt -
ghosts versus eta, nPVs, p, pt
momentum resolution (TrackResChecker) versus p -
forward (with and w/o UT) tracks -
seeding-matching tracks
IP resolution in x and y versus 1/pT -
velo Kalman fitted tracks from forward (with and w/o UT) -
velo Kalman fitted tracks from seeding-matching
Muon ID efficiency versus eta, p, phi for muons and pions -
forward (with and w/o UT) tracks -
seeding-matching tracks
electron ID efficiency versus eta, p, phi for muons and pions -
forward (with and w/o UT) tracks -
seeding-matching tracks
PV efficiency versus nTracks, r, z -
PV resolution -
mean x, y, z versus nTracks -
mean x, y, z versus z -
sigma x, y, z versus nTracks -
sigma x, y, z versus z
calo cluster efficiency plots -
calo cluster resolution plots -
secondary vertex reconstruction efficiency plots -
Brems recovery performance -
charge asymmetry: #216
Consistent results across architectures, input format, software framework
Test ID | Gaudi-Allen | Allen event loop from MooreOnline | Allen standalone | events / slice | architecture | input type |
1 | x | 1 | x86 | DIGI | ||
2 | x | 1 | x86 | MDF | ||
3 | x | 1 | x86 | MDF | ||
4 | x | 1000 | x86 | MDF | ||
5 | x | 1000 | cuda | MDF | ||
6 | x | 1000 | cuda | MEP | ||
7 | x | 1000 | cuda | MDF | ||
8 | x | 1000 | x86 | MDF |
compare velo, veloUT, forward, seeding-matching efficiency for 1k BsPhiPhi events -
1 versus 2: digi versus MDF in Gaudi-Allen -> expect same results -
2 versus 3: Gaudi-Allen versus Allen event loop from Gaudi -> expect same results -
3 versus 4: 1 event/slice versus 1000 events/slice -> expect same results -
5 versus 6: MDF versus MEP, Allen event loop from Gaudi -> expect same results -
5 versus 7: Allen event loop from Gaudi versus Allen standalone, 1000 events/slice -> expect same results, also checking efficiency checker implemented inside Allen -
7 versus 8: x86 versus cuda, 1000 events/slice -> expect differences, should monitor them; already tested in Allen CI test, but no direct comparison of x86 and cuda performance is done
Add test running hlt1_pp_validation sequence within Moore using MC information written to a RawEvent (dumped to MDF files for Allen standalone processing) -
Standalone Allen physics performance checker versus Gaudi checker: compare the output of the two previous tests -
Test throughput several times to check for variations -
Add test with gpu-burn to check stability of GPUs -
Add test with and w/o offloading algorithms to the host
Stability, integration, commissioning
Add test for velo raw banks decoding -
Add test for UT raw banks decoding -
Add test for muon raw banks decoding -
Add test for Calo raw banks decoding: Moore#393 (closed) -
Add test for SciFi raw bank decoding -
Add test for Plume raw bank decoding: Moore!2034 -
Test for velo open, w/o UT, similar to Moore!1396 (merged) -
Test that output file writing (MDF) works -
Add test on MU samples -
Add test on PbPb samples -
Add test on compressed and uncompressed MDF input -
MPI build and run -
Test copying banks onto device
Functionality needed for these tests that is not yet tested / existing:
a server equipped with a GPU (preferably RTX A5000), callable from the nightly tests -
calling an Allen validator from Gaudi-Allen -
read track and PV MC information raw banks within Gaudi-Allen -
DIGI, MDF and MEP files from the same sample, including MC information raw banks -
test Allen validator from MEP file -
scripts to call IP resolution, muon ID efficiency, PV efficiency and resolution using Gaudi-Allen
Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch