Assess impact of hard-coded SciFi geometry
In the Forward and seeding tracking in HLT1, the aligned SciFi geometry values are used for hit-level quantities. I.e. during the decoding of SciFi clusters the geometry, which is read / updated by DumpFTGeometry, are used to obtain z0, x0, endPointX, endPointY, endPointZ, dx/dy, dz/dy, yMin, yMax per hit.
Those hit-level quantities are used in the pattern recognition mostly once hits are combined to a track candidate.
At the earlier stage of the pattern recognition, when search windows are defined and doublets / triplets extrapolated to other layers, hard-coded geometry positions are often used, especially for the z positions of the SciFi layers and the dx/dy of layers.
Details can be found in this presentation:
The effect of the steps below should be checked on data (to include misalignments) in terms of number of tracks, number of hits per track within different regions of phase space, and for example on Ks -> pi pi signal candidates. Reading the z and dxdy information per layer has been tested in !1377 (merged) and presented in WP2.
Read nominal z positions and dx/dy per layer from SciFi geometry -
Assess impact of reading z positions and dx/dy per layer from SciFi geometry -
Read dx/dy per hit from SciFi hits object (rather than hard-coded general value) during simple fit -
Assess impact of reading dx/dy per hit from SciFi hits object -
Geometry reading retro-compatible with older MC samples which assume hardcoded SciFi geometry