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DiElectronSoft line, inspired by DiMuonSoft

Titus Mombaecher requested to merge tmombach_dielectronsoft into 2024-patches

The idea of this line is to enhance decays of the type s->eeX. The line is compiling and tested. It will stay outside the BW division because it is orthogonal to any other line. The working point has been optimised on KS2ee simulation and minibias simulation with the hlt1_forward_then_matching sequence to yield

Efficiency: 0.224% +/- 0.017% (HLTEfficiency checker)

Rate: 0.50 +/- 0.07 kHz tested with 2.7M Minbias

Rate from running over MEP dumps in /calib/online/MEP_dumps_13_07_24/: 0.18 +/- 0.01 kHz

Some more documentation can be found in @psriling's summer student presentation's%20CERN%20LHCb%20internal%20presentation.pdf and RTA WP3 meeting

Goes together with Moore!3825 (merged) (QM test update)

Edited by Titus Mombaecher

Merge request reports
