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Draft: Changing plotting scripts for HLT1 performance

Alessandro Scarabotto requested to merge ascarabo_plotting_forward into master

Updating the plotting scripts to allow HLT1 performance plots.

Running on 5k events Bs->phi phi sample: ./toolchain/wrapper ./Allen --sequence hlt1_pp_validation --mdf /scratch/allen_data/mdf_input/Upgrade_BsPhiPhi_MD_FTv4_DIGI_retinacluster_v1_newLHCbID.mdf

The PrCheckerPlots.root files created in such need to be moved in the output directory then the python scripts can be run.

From these python scripts, we can efficiency vs p,pt,eta - ghost rate vs p,pt - momentum resolution dp vs p,pt,eta

The track's state (x,y,tx,ty) resolution plots are done via Moore using the TrackResChecker in Rec. A simple hack in TrackResChecker.cpp using the idealStateCreator does the job. Resolution plots at lastTlayer = 9410 mm , RICH1 = 990 mm and RICH2 = 9410 mm are done adding in TrackResChecker.cpp in TrackResChecker::resolutionHistos such lines:

LHCb::State trueStateLastT;
  double state_z_lastT = 9410.;
  idealStateCreator()->createState( &mcPart, state_z_lastT, trueStateLastT, geometry );
  LHCb::State lastTState;
  StatusCode  sc_lastT = extrapolator()->propagate( track, trueStateLastT.z(), lastTState, geometry );
  if ( sc_lastT.isSuccess() ) pullplots( htool, trueStateLastT, lastTState, "lastT" );

pullplots creates all relevant plots for this state.

TrackResChecker is called in Moore via in function check_track_resolution

Edited by Alessandro Scarabotto

Merge request reports
