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Add velo clusters to lumi counters list

Shu Xian requested to merge sxian_lumi_velo_clusters into master
  • sensor_id is used to determine the inner or outer
    • even (0, 2, 4, 8, ..., 206) for inner
    • odd (1, 3, 5, 7, ..., 207) for outer
  • Numbers of velo clusters VeloClusters per station bins and inner/outer
    • Basic counter, to be reconstructed for every lumi event
      • stations 0-3 (2 counters: inner + outer sensors)
      • stations 4-13 (2 counters: inner + outer sensors)
      • stations 14-19 (2 counters: inner + outer sensors)
      • stations 20-25 (2 counters: inner + outer sensors)
    • Default maximum value set larger than the numbers from some ion runs samples under /scratch/allen_data/mdf_input/
      • samples used: mdf under 2022_PbPb_PbAr/ and 2023_PbPb_DIGI_MB/, MB_PbPb_01.mdf
      • maximums set default: 8000, 5000, 21000, 10000, 11000, 6000, 9000, 5000
      • maximums from sample: 6034, 3015, 18852, 8163, 9550, 4732, 7647, 4070
  • Numbers of velo clusters in different stations (innter/outer)
    • 26 stations * 2 = 52 counters
    • Extra counters for 1 khz line
    • Default maximum value: 3000
    • maximum of the samples: 2081

Separation between decoding level counters and counters requires velo track reconstruction, for GEC compatibility.

New lumi schema keys added, to be tested with lhcb-conddb/file-content-metadata!60 (merged)

FYI: @edallocc @elniel @dcraik

Edited by Shu Xian

Merge request reports
