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Make lumi algorithms compatible with PbPb sequences with a GEC

Daniel Charles Craik requested to merge dcraik_PbPb_lumi into master

Based on !1237 (merged)

Reconfigures the lumi algorithms such that, when a GEC is applied and does not pass, the lumi counters that depend only on decoding are filled but counters that depend on reconstruction are set to their maximum values.

  • Moves the lumi algorithms inside the GEC to avoid running track reconstruction outside the GEC
  • Adds ODINEventTypeWithDecodingLine which is the same as ODINEventTypeLine but explicitly depends on the decoding algorithms needed for lumi counters
  • Uses an event list for lumi counters that cannot be filled outside the GEC (e.g. numbers of vertices and tracks) such that these default to their default values (maximum) for events that fail the GEC

The output below shows the counter values saved for a single pp event after running the hlt_PbPb_no_ut_retina sequence with arbitrarily (left) low and (right) high GEC thresholds.

encodingKey            0xbb1dec27             0xbb1dec27
T0Low                  0x97081f59             0x97081f59
T0High                 0x5ed82                0x5ed82
BCIDLow                0x566aa2               0x566aa2
ECalEtot               0x1b12c                0x1b12c
SciFiT1M4              0x5b                   0x5b
PlumeLumiOverthrLow    0x3fffff (MAX)         0x3fffff (MAX)
SciFiT2M4              0x40                   0x40
PlumeLumiOverthrHigh   0x3fffff (MAX)         0x3fffff (MAX)
MuonHitsM2R1           0x25                   0x25
ECalET                 0x1299c                0x1299c
PlumeAvgLumiADC        0xfff (MAX)            0xfff (MAX)
ECalETInnerTop         0x44e2                 0x44e2
BCIDHigh               0x0                    0x0
ECalETMiddleTop        0x4385                 0x4385
VeloVertexX            0x3fff (MAX)           0x1fc4
ECalETOuterTop         0x4858                 0x4858
VeloVertexY            0x3fff (MAX)           0x1fe2
ECalETInnerBottom      0x4a3e                 0x4a3e
VeloVertexZ            0x3fff (MAX)           0x1c13
ECalETMiddleBottom     0x45bf                 0x45bf
SciFiT1M123            0x173                  0x173
GEC                    0x0                    0x1 (MAX)
ECalETOuterBottom      0x48dd                 0x48dd
SciFiT2M123            0x165                  0x165
SciFiT3M123            0x1b9                  0x1b9
VeloTracks             0x7ff (MAX)            0xb7
MuonHitsM2R4           0x8                    0x8
VeloFiducialTracks     0x7ff (MAX)            0xab
SciFiT3M45             0x52                   0x52
MuonHitsM2R2           0x21                   0x21
VeloTracksEtaBin1      0x1ff (MAX)            0x13
VeloTracksEtaBin2      0x1ff (MAX)            0x10
VeloTracksEtaBin3      0x1ff (MAX)            0x12
BXType                 0x3 (MAX)              0x3 (MAX)
VeloTracksEtaBin4      0x1ff (MAX)            0x22
VeloTracksEtaBin5      0x1ff (MAX)            0x34
VeloTracksEtaBin6      0x1ff (MAX)            0x1f
MuonHitsM2R3           0x5                    0x5
MuonHitsM3R1           0x22                   0x22
MuonHitsM4R3           0x1                    0x1
MuonHitsM3R2           0x15                   0x15
MuonHitsM3R3           0x3                    0x3
MuonHitsM4R1           0x5                    0x5
MuonHitsM4R4           0x1                    0x1
VeloTracksEtaBin0      0x7f (MAX)             0x5
VeloTracksEtaBin7      0x7f (MAX)             0x8
MuonHitsM3R4           0x2                    0x2
MuonHitsM4R2           0x4                    0x4
MuonTracks             0x7f (MAX)             0x1
VeloVertices           0x3f (MAX)             0x1
FiducialVeloVertices   0x3f (MAX)             0x1
Edited by Daniel Charles Craik

Merge request reports
