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Add error bank filter, line, and monitoring

Kate Abigail Richardson requested to merge kaaricha_error_filter into master

Adds a filter which selects events with error banks in Plume, Velo, UT, SciFi, Rich1, Rich2, ECal, HCal, or Muon. A passthrough line is also added which is prescaled to 0.01 to persist these events for offline analysis by experts. The filter has monitoring which creates a histogram with the kinds of banks each subdetector is sending, Screenshot_2023-09-22_at_5.35.48_PM and a histogram with the correct banks removed so that if there are any entries it is from an error of some sort from that subdetector Screenshot_2023-09-22_at_5.36.51_PM There is also a counter with the number of error banks from each subdetector.

Many thanks to @raaij @rmatev and @dcampora for the help!

Merge request reports
