Add inclusive jet line
The goal of this line is to select events with at least one high-pT jet. Jet reconstruction is performed using an iterative cone algorithm similar to The steps are:
- The highest pT track in the event is chosen as a seed.
- Tracks and ECAL clusters with dR<0.5 are added to the jet. Tracks must have the same PV association as the seed and ECAL clusters must be identified as neutrals using the additions from !1414.
- The jet pT is the scalar sum of constituent pT. The jet phi and eta are the pT-weighted averages of the constituent phi and eta.
- The particles used to construct the jet are masked.
- The algorithm is repeated with the unused particles until no possible seed tracks remain or the maximum number of reconstructed jets is reached. For now, the maximum is set to 4. This MR also takes the jet kinematics as input and selects events based on the jet pT. The trigger efficiency turn-on curves for the jet lines, assuming prescales of 1, are below. These were created using W->qq MC with expected 2024 condiditons and no UT.
With n_max_jets=16
and using track-cluster matching to remove ECAL clusters from charged particles, the turn-on curves below are achieved:
FYI @ngrieser
Edited by Thomas Boettcher