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HLT1 NN based ghost killer

Jiahui Zhuo requested to merge jzhuo_GhostKiller into master

To be test with: lhcb-datapkg/ParamFiles!76 (merged)

Neural-Network-based ghost killer: The model has been retrained and optimized using the MinBias MC data expected for 2024 (consisting of 100k MagUp and 100k MagDown events, split into a 50% training set and a 50% test set).

Expected performance:

Matching Forward

We expect a negligible efficiency impact (signal efficiency ~ 99%) and a significant ghost rejection rate (ghost rejection >~ 40%).

Performance plots - Efficiency

Matching Forward Forward then matching

Performance plots - Ghost rate

Matching Forward Forward then matching

Note: Changes in expected efficiency and ghost rates have been observed for Matching and Forward. A slightly larger impact on efficiency is noted in Forward then Matching. It's unclear if this is a cause for concern, but we might consider applying a different ghost killer threshold for Forward then Matching case, such as a tight cut in Forward followed by a looser cut in Matching.

Updating the checks in phi

Efficiency Ghost rate
Forward then matching

Misalignement study

Using misaligned FT conditions

Efficiency at Bs2PhiPhi (With FT Misaligned)

Matching Forward Forward then matching

Ghost rate at Bs2PhiPhi (With FT Misaligned)

Matching Forward Forward then matching

The network design is being presented for the first time at

FIY: @bjashal @adeoyang @dovombru @ascarabo @mveghel

Edited by Jiahui Zhuo

Merge request reports
