BWDIV: infrastructure to put in tuned lines
- Puts most of the changes into for the bandwidth division, so a new enum that specifies the threshold settings, to make it easy to switch between different configurations.
- Switches off the following high rate lines: Hlt1TwoTrackMVACharmXSec, Hlt1DiMuonLowMass, Hlt1LowPtMuon, Hlt1DisplacedLeptons
- Removes DisplacedDiMuon as this is covered by LowMass (that will be renamed Displaced)
- Adds monitoring to the displaced dielectron line and DiMuon mass line.
Requires Moore!3075 (merged) in order to update test in Moore to reflect removal of Hlt1LowPtMuon
Edited by Timothy David Evans