Monitoring of GhostProb and IPx-IPy
Adding monitoring of ghost probability to long tracks and TrackMVA,TwoTrackMVA lines Adding also IPx and IPs for the lines.
Added ghostprob in Ks line. Added m(Kpi) mass to TwoTrackMVA (only one hypothesis, first particle K, second pion)
Tested on data using (actually on top of v4r6-hotfixes
./MooreOnline/build.x86_64_v3-el9-gcc12+cuda12_1-opt+g/run python Allen/Dumpers/BinaryDumpers/options/ --mep /calib/online/MEP_dumps_14_04_24/bu_290031_LHCb_MAEB01_BU_1.mep --sequence /group/hlt/commissioning/tck.git:0x1000103e --real-data --register-monitoring-counters 1 --monitoring-filename "monn.root"
Edited by Alessandro Scarabotto