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Draft: Add SMOG2 threshold settings to adapt configuration for light gases

Oscar Boente Garcia requested to merge obo-hlt1-helium into 2024-patches

This MR adds the possibility to change the SMOG2 hlt1 configuration to cope with the smaller cross-section when injecting light gases. With this changes in the configuration, important gains in physics output can be achieved, while keeping at the same time a HLT1 rate below that when running with heavier gases.

A summary of the improvements in efficiencies is made here: eff_comparison_heavygas-lightgas_configuration.pdf

Two configurations are implemented:

  • heavygas, to be used with argon, neon and oxygen gas injection. This configuration does not introduce any change in the current code and will be run by default, not requiring any change in sequence.
  • lightgas, to be used with helium, deuterium and hydrogen injection.

Current totat rate with pAr+pp simulation (nominal nu_pAr 0.37 and nu_pp 7.6 conditions) with are (2093.93 +- 4.94)kHz, being SMOG2 lines (Incl: 229.64 +/- 14.242 kHz, Excl: 212.73 +/- 13.711 kHz) (see this summary: hlt1_SMOG2_testlines_pAr_pp_expected2024_fixedZeroAllowed_test_ALLIFT_oboheliumb87de74ev2TestRate_evt_Full_withoutUT_TBLV.txt). There is a increase with respect to previous rates with this configuration, that were ~1500kHz in total and ~190kHz for smog2 lines, while now is ~2000kHz for total configuration and ~230kHz for SMOG2. We suspect that the increase is coming from the changes in lhcb/Allen!1618, and we are testing if Allen !1633 (merged) improves the situation.

Rates with configuration in pHe+pp MC conditions (nu of 0.2 for pHe and 7.6 for pp) are reported below. Rates for Hydrogen and deuterium injection are expected to be smaller as particle multiplicity scales with A (A=4 for He, A=2 for deuterium and A=1 for hydrogen; for reference A=40 for Argon).

hlt1_smog2          (128.333 +- 0.947)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2SingleMuonDecision                          (16.204 +- 0.337)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2DiMuonHighMassDecision                     (0.0559 +- 0.0198)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2BENoBiasDecision                                 (0.0 +- 0.0)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2PassThroughLowMult5Decision                  (7.221 +- 0.225)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2BELowMultElectronsDecision                       (0.0 +- 0.0)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2MinimumBiasDecision                        (0.7340 +- 0.0716)kHz
Hlt1PassthroughPVinSMOG2Decision                    (1.0626 +- 0.0862)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2SingleTrackHighPtDecision                    (3.411 +- 0.154)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2SingleTrackVeryHighPtDecision                (2.244 +- 0.125)kHz
Hlt1SMOG22BodyGenericDecision                        (26.669 +- 0.432)kHz
Hlt1SMOG22BodyGenericPromptDecision                   (8.347 +- 0.242)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2etacToppDecision                            (29.095 +- 0.451)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2D2KpiDecision                               (11.157 +- 0.279)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2L0ToppiDecision                              (6.781 +- 0.218)kHz
Hlt1SMOG2KsTopipiDecision                            (15.351 +- 0.328)kHz

cc @samarian @thboettc

Edited by Oscar Boente Garcia

Merge request reports
