Update MatchingNoUT V2 GhostKiller
Needs lhcb-datapkg/ParamFiles!96 (merged)
Retrain the NN to adapt upstream changes in the seeding, this reduces the ghost rate back to a normal level without dropping significant efficiency.
Baseline (2024-patches):
long_validator validation:
TrackChecker output : 7036/ 71765 9.80% ghosts
for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV : 2612/ 37437 6.98% ghosts
01_long : 55804/ 78155 71.40% ( 72.24%), 5121 ( 8.41%) clones, pur 99.72%, hit eff 98.18%
02_long_P>5GeV : 45185/ 51059 88.50% ( 89.56%), 4473 ( 9.01%) clones, pur 99.73%, hit eff 98.43%
03_long_strange : 2247/ 3858 58.24% ( 58.80%), 127 ( 5.35%) clones, pur 99.62%, hit eff 97.99%
04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 1536/ 1834 83.75% ( 84.77%), 94 ( 5.77%) clones, pur 99.61%, hit eff 98.34%
05_long_fromB : 3841/ 4585 83.77% ( 84.49%), 388 ( 9.17%) clones, pur 99.78%, hit eff 98.57%
06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 3503/ 3752 93.36% ( 93.28%), 371 ( 9.58%) clones, pur 99.78%, hit eff 98.72%
07_long_electrons : 2101/ 5658 37.13% ( 37.43%), 136 ( 6.08%) clones, pur 99.02%, hit eff 98.17%
08_long_electrons_P>5GeV : 1642/ 2953 55.60% ( 56.53%), 118 ( 6.70%) clones, pur 98.97%, hit eff 98.28%
09_long_fromB_electrons : 131/ 240 54.58% ( 57.97%), 8 ( 5.76%) clones, pur 99.62%, hit eff 99.00%
10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 120/ 168 71.43% ( 74.64%), 6 ( 4.76%) clones, pur 99.63%, hit eff 98.96%
long_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV : 12179/ 13336 91.32% ( 92.28%), 1158 ( 8.68%) clones, pur 99.71%, hit eff 98.46%
long_fromB_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV : 2357/ 2500 94.28% ( 94.10%), 233 ( 9.00%) clones, pur 99.78%, hit eff 98.78%
11_noVelo_UT : 0/ 8699 0.00% ( 0.00%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur -nan%, hit eff -nan%
12_noVelo_UT_P>5GeV : 0/ 3556 0.00% ( 0.00%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur -nan%, hit eff -nan%
13_long_PT>2GeV : 3072/ 3268 94.00% ( 94.30%), 277 ( 8.27%) clones, pur 99.77%, hit eff 98.79%
14_long_from_B_PT>2GeV : 1125/ 1172 95.99% ( 95.82%), 96 ( 7.86%) clones, pur 99.78%, hit eff 99.02%
15_long_strange_P>5GeV : 1536/ 1834 83.75% ( 84.77%), 94 ( 5.77%) clones, pur 99.61%, hit eff 98.34%
16_long_strange_P>5GeV_PT>500MeV : 658/ 738 89.16% ( 89.79%), 42 ( 6.00%) clones, pur 99.72%, hit eff 98.63%
17_long_fromSignal : 2369/ 2621 90.39% ( 90.78%), 243 ( 9.30%) clones, pur 99.75%, hit eff 98.64%
18_long_nSciFiHits_gt_0_AND_lt_5000 : 22383/ 31355 71.39% ( 71.28%), 1961 ( 8.06%) clones, pur 99.80%, hit eff 98.69%
19_long_nSciFiHits_gt_5000_AND_lt_7000 : 22875/ 32866 69.60% ( 69.83%), 2136 ( 8.54%) clones, pur 99.68%, hit eff 98.09%
20_long_nSciFiHits_gt_7000_AND_lt_10000 : 11980/ 17964 66.69% ( 66.83%), 1085 ( 8.30%) clones, pur 99.55%, hit eff 97.48%
21_long_nSciFiHits_gt_10000 : 572/ 1504 38.03% ( 40.73%), 68 ( 10.62%) clones, pur 99.23%, hit eff 96.71%
New NN:
long_validator validation:
TrackChecker output : 3192/ 63764 5.01% ghosts
for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV : 877/ 33836 2.59% ghosts
01_long : 54541/ 78155 69.79% ( 70.61%), 2696 ( 4.71%) clones, pur 99.74%, hit eff 98.21%
02_long_P>5GeV : 44066/ 51059 86.30% ( 87.34%), 2302 ( 4.96%) clones, pur 99.75%, hit eff 98.49%
03_long_strange : 2124/ 3858 55.05% ( 55.86%), 77 ( 3.50%) clones, pur 99.62%, hit eff 97.95%
04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 1441/ 1834 78.57% ( 79.60%), 56 ( 3.74%) clones, pur 99.61%, hit eff 98.32%
05_long_fromB : 3810/ 4585 83.10% ( 83.72%), 223 ( 5.53%) clones, pur 99.79%, hit eff 98.60%
06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 3471/ 3752 92.51% ( 92.40%), 211 ( 5.73%) clones, pur 99.79%, hit eff 98.77%
07_long_electrons : 1897/ 5658 33.53% ( 33.45%), 79 ( 4.00%) clones, pur 99.14%, hit eff 98.22%
08_long_electrons_P>5GeV : 1473/ 2953 49.88% ( 50.45%), 66 ( 4.29%) clones, pur 99.13%, hit eff 98.35%
09_long_fromB_electrons : 120/ 240 50.00% ( 53.11%), 3 ( 2.44%) clones, pur 99.72%, hit eff 99.00%
10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 110/ 168 65.48% ( 69.05%), 2 ( 1.79%) clones, pur 99.74%, hit eff 98.98%
long_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV : 12069/ 13336 90.50% ( 91.38%), 687 ( 5.39%) clones, pur 99.74%, hit eff 98.54%
long_fromB_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV : 2349/ 2500 93.96% ( 93.69%), 142 ( 5.70%) clones, pur 99.78%, hit eff 98.82%
11_noVelo_UT : 0/ 8699 0.00% ( 0.00%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur -nan%, hit eff -nan%
12_noVelo_UT_P>5GeV : 0/ 3556 0.00% ( 0.00%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur -nan%, hit eff -nan%
13_long_PT>2GeV : 3050/ 3268 93.33% ( 93.55%), 176 ( 5.46%) clones, pur 99.80%, hit eff 98.86%
14_long_from_B_PT>2GeV : 1121/ 1172 95.65% ( 95.35%), 60 ( 5.08%) clones, pur 99.80%, hit eff 99.08%
15_long_strange_P>5GeV : 1441/ 1834 78.57% ( 79.60%), 56 ( 3.74%) clones, pur 99.61%, hit eff 98.32%
16_long_strange_P>5GeV_PT>500MeV : 640/ 738 86.72% ( 87.27%), 31 ( 4.62%) clones, pur 99.68%, hit eff 98.53%
17_long_fromSignal : 2355/ 2621 89.85% ( 90.16%), 147 ( 5.88%) clones, pur 99.75%, hit eff 98.66%
18_long_nSciFiHits_gt_0_AND_lt_5000 : 21799/ 31355 69.52% ( 69.41%), 1014 ( 4.44%) clones, pur 99.82%, hit eff 98.72%
19_long_nSciFiHits_gt_5000_AND_lt_7000 : 22302/ 32866 67.86% ( 68.07%), 1111 ( 4.75%) clones, pur 99.71%, hit eff 98.13%
20_long_nSciFiHits_gt_7000_AND_lt_10000 : 11680/ 17964 65.02% ( 65.17%), 607 ( 4.94%) clones, pur 99.58%, hit eff 97.52%
21_long_nSciFiHits_gt_10000 : 560/ 1504 37.23% ( 39.86%), 39 ( 6.51%) clones, pur 99.34%, hit eff 96.92%
Update 06/06/2024
Removing nVPHits from the model and use the new mdf file in the scratch Beam6800GeV-expected-2024-MagDown-nu7.6_Bs2PhiPhiMD_nSciFiHits
long_validator validation:
TrackChecker output : 3016/ 32502 9.28% ghosts
for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV : 1099/ 16925 6.49% ghosts
01_long : 27133/ 37926 71.54% ( 72.22%), 623 ( 2.24%) clones, pur 99.74%, hit eff 98.18%
02_long_P>5GeV : 22001/ 24714 89.02% ( 89.83%), 532 ( 2.36%) clones, pur 99.75%, hit eff 98.45%
03_long_strange : 1054/ 1807 58.33% ( 58.60%), 19 ( 1.77%) clones, pur 99.65%, hit eff 97.99%
04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 740/ 878 84.28% ( 84.23%), 13 ( 1.73%) clones, pur 99.67%, hit eff 98.28%
05_long_fromB : 1945/ 2309 84.24% ( 85.06%), 45 ( 2.26%) clones, pur 99.77%, hit eff 98.52%
06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 1790/ 1909 93.77% ( 93.86%), 43 ( 2.35%) clones, pur 99.78%, hit eff 98.65%
07_long_electrons : 993/ 2697 36.82% ( 36.28%), 36 ( 3.50%) clones, pur 99.11%, hit eff 98.23%
08_long_electrons_P>5GeV : 783/ 1402 55.85% ( 56.29%), 35 ( 4.28%) clones, pur 99.06%, hit eff 98.37%
09_long_fromB_electrons : 58/ 110 52.73% ( 55.35%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur 99.70%, hit eff 98.75%
10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 53/ 74 71.62% ( 73.44%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur 99.79%, hit eff 98.79%
long_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV : 5963/ 6486 91.94% ( 92.71%), 154 ( 2.52%) clones, pur 99.73%, hit eff 98.48%
long_fromB_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV : 1210/ 1281 94.46% ( 94.58%), 27 ( 2.18%) clones, pur 99.76%, hit eff 98.70%
11_noVelo_UT : 0/ 4124 0.00% ( 0.00%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur -nan%, hit eff -nan%
12_noVelo_UT_P>5GeV : 0/ 1671 0.00% ( 0.00%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur -nan%, hit eff -nan%
13_long_PT>2GeV : 1503/ 1586 94.77% ( 94.64%), 26 ( 1.70%) clones, pur 99.77%, hit eff 98.80%
14_long_from_B_PT>2GeV : 587/ 605 97.02% ( 96.78%), 5 ( 0.84%) clones, pur 99.79%, hit eff 98.93%
15_long_strange_P>5GeV : 740/ 878 84.28% ( 84.23%), 13 ( 1.73%) clones, pur 99.67%, hit eff 98.28%
16_long_strange_P>5GeV_PT>500MeV : 300/ 335 89.55% ( 89.04%), 6 ( 1.96%) clones, pur 99.76%, hit eff 98.29%
17_long_fromSignal : 1191/ 1312 90.78% ( 90.72%), 27 ( 2.22%) clones, pur 99.75%, hit eff 98.59%
18_long_nSciFiHits_gt_0_AND_lt_5000 : 11866/ 16638 71.32% ( 71.23%), 277 ( 2.28%) clones, pur 99.81%, hit eff 98.66%
19_long_nSciFiHits_gt_5000_AND_lt_7000 : 10377/ 14945 69.43% ( 69.69%), 234 ( 2.21%) clones, pur 99.69%, hit eff 98.04%
20_long_nSciFiHits_gt_7000_AND_lt_10000 : 5637/ 8507 66.26% ( 66.46%), 141 ( 2.44%) clones, pur 99.60%, hit eff 97.47%
21_long_nSciFiHits_gt_10000 : 151/ 409 36.92% ( 37.00%), 4 ( 2.58%) clones, pur 99.37%, hit eff 96.97%
New NN
long_validator validation:
TrackChecker output : 1479/ 30140 4.91% ghosts
for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV : 378/ 15947 2.37% ghosts
01_long : 26557/ 37926 70.02% ( 70.65%), 556 ( 2.05%) clones, pur 99.76%, hit eff 98.22%
02_long_P>5GeV : 21476/ 24714 86.90% ( 87.66%), 461 ( 2.10%) clones, pur 99.77%, hit eff 98.51%
03_long_strange : 1014/ 1807 56.12% ( 56.31%), 19 ( 1.84%) clones, pur 99.63%, hit eff 97.88%
04_long_strange_P>5GeV : 704/ 878 80.18% ( 79.79%), 12 ( 1.68%) clones, pur 99.66%, hit eff 98.24%
05_long_fromB : 1933/ 2309 83.72% ( 84.31%), 41 ( 2.08%) clones, pur 99.79%, hit eff 98.57%
06_long_fromB_P>5GeV : 1777/ 1909 93.09% ( 93.20%), 39 ( 2.15%) clones, pur 99.80%, hit eff 98.70%
07_long_electrons : 912/ 2697 33.82% ( 33.52%), 30 ( 3.18%) clones, pur 99.19%, hit eff 98.22%
08_long_electrons_P>5GeV : 717/ 1402 51.14% ( 51.64%), 27 ( 3.63%) clones, pur 99.18%, hit eff 98.43%
09_long_fromB_electrons : 51/ 110 46.36% ( 48.15%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur 99.66%, hit eff 98.74%
10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV : 46/ 74 62.16% ( 64.06%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur 99.76%, hit eff 98.79%
long_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV : 5901/ 6486 90.98% ( 91.76%), 137 ( 2.27%) clones, pur 99.75%, hit eff 98.57%
long_fromB_P>5GeV_AND_Pt>1GeV : 1205/ 1281 94.07% ( 94.14%), 26 ( 2.11%) clones, pur 99.76%, hit eff 98.73%
11_noVelo_UT : 0/ 4124 0.00% ( 0.00%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur -nan%, hit eff -nan%
12_noVelo_UT_P>5GeV : 0/ 1671 0.00% ( 0.00%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur -nan%, hit eff -nan%
13_long_PT>2GeV : 1491/ 1586 94.01% ( 93.80%), 22 ( 1.45%) clones, pur 99.80%, hit eff 98.89%
14_long_from_B_PT>2GeV : 585/ 605 96.69% ( 96.52%), 5 ( 0.85%) clones, pur 99.79%, hit eff 98.94%
15_long_strange_P>5GeV : 704/ 878 80.18% ( 79.79%), 12 ( 1.68%) clones, pur 99.66%, hit eff 98.24%
16_long_strange_P>5GeV_PT>500MeV : 294/ 335 87.76% ( 87.35%), 5 ( 1.67%) clones, pur 99.76%, hit eff 98.30%
17_long_fromSignal : 1186/ 1312 90.40% ( 90.13%), 26 ( 2.15%) clones, pur 99.75%, hit eff 98.62%
18_long_nSciFiHits_gt_0_AND_lt_5000 : 11589/ 16638 69.65% ( 69.52%), 255 ( 2.15%) clones, pur 99.82%, hit eff 98.67%
19_long_nSciFiHits_gt_5000_AND_lt_7000 : 10115/ 14945 67.68% ( 67.91%), 199 ( 1.93%) clones, pur 99.72%, hit eff 98.09%
20_long_nSciFiHits_gt_7000_AND_lt_10000 : 5522/ 8507 64.91% ( 65.11%), 125 ( 2.21%) clones, pur 99.60%, hit eff 97.53%
21_long_nSciFiHits_gt_10000 : 145/ 409 35.45% ( 35.53%), 4 ( 2.68%) clones, pur 99.40%, hit eff 97.07%
Update Jun 10
MC/Data consistency:
FIY: @lohenry @dovombru @ascarabo @gligorov @ahennequ @thboettc @cagapopo @tevans
Edited by Jiahui Zhuo