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minor changes for bw div

Makes some small changes in tupling for bw/division:

  • Some lines need enable_tupling flags forwarded from
  • Split monitoring from tupling for the downstream lines (at the moment, this will probably segfault if we enable the monitoring as the 'buffers' from the tupling are not [necessarily] initialised)
  • Modernize tupling in the LowMassDiElectron line [we won't plan to tune this but will include in the bandwidth as fixed line]
  • Enable tupling for the SingleMuonHighPtNoMuID (similar, not tuned but should be included in bandwidth calculation)
  • Only tuple candidates that pass selection requirements for det_jpsitomumu_tap_line

@jzhuo @acasaisv @masantim @rjhunter

Edited by Timothy David Evans

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