Fix forward no UT and add optimisation
Found issue in chi2 cut in forward noUT which affects also forward_then_matching_no_ut (no changes in sequences with UT).
Expecting ref update
We can profit from the new ghost prob NN cut to release a bit the thresholds, in practice with +1% ghost we can gain a +7% efficiency at high momentum (pt > 1 GeV and p > 5 GeV)
./toolchain/wrapper ./Allen --sequence hlt1_pp_no_ut_validation --mdf /scratch/allen_data/mdf_input/Beam6800GeV-expected-2024-MagDown-nu7.6_Bs2PhiPhiMD_nSciFiHits.mdf -g ../input/allen_geometries/geometry_dddb-20231017_sim-20231017-vc-md100_new_SciFi_geometry/
See before:
New optimisation:
Edited by Alessandro Scarabotto