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Align momentum evaluation between matching and forward tracking

Alessandro Scarabotto requested to merge ascarabo_momentum_forward into master

We noticed a shift in mass peaks in data when switching from matching to forward_then_matching sequences (see presentation by Andy) which could be caused by the different momentum evaluation in matching and forward. As the momentum evaluation in matching is well tested since months in data, the idea is to change the momentum evaluation in forward to match the one in the matching sequence (we could even have a problem in the forward qop evaluation parametrisation see #569).

Added in the event_model the qop evaluation of the matching algorithm as a general tool (which can be used by the forward and matching). QoP evaluation changed at the end of forward tracking, meaning, does not affect tracking efficiencies but only selections.

To be checked forward vs matching momentum evaluations methods, both in MC and data, using forward and forward_then_matching sequences:

  • momentum distributions
  • selection rates
  • mass shapes

Checks of D^{0} and J/\psi masses in MC: mass_comparison.pdf

Edited by Da Yu Tou

Merge request reports
