Various Scifi tracking improvements and code cleanup
- Able to define triplet seeds from various layers
- Allow for the option of selecting more than one triplet per h1 candidate, currently commented out because not throughput performant enough yet
- Clean up unused constants in LookingForwardConstants.cuh, grouped by LookingForward and LookinForward_sbt
- Fix in extend missing x layers: include last x layer of T3 now
- dzdy correction applied now when propagating from Velo/UT to SciFi (implemented by @flpisani )
- dratio term used for propagation within SciFi, new parametrization for going from Velo/UT to SciFi (implemented by @flpisani )
- Create functions for propagation within SciFi -> easier to switch between different versions
- Inline small functions in LookingForwardTools.cuh -> faster, especially those for extrap (propagation within SciFi)
With this MR, we obtain the following efficiencies on 1k BsPhiPhi events, staying at about the same throughput:
TrackChecker output : 2307/ 32630 7.07% ghosts
for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV : 16/ 235 6.81% ghosts
Long : 28705/ 61553 46.63% ( 47.53%), 204 ( 0.71%) clones, pur 97.02%, hit eff 92.95%
Long, p > 5 GeV : 25460/ 40062 63.55% ( 64.52%), 168 ( 0.66%) clones, pur 97.22%, hit eff 94.13%
Long, pt > 20 GeV : 1/ 1 100.00% (100.00%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur 95.83%, hit eff 100.00%
Long strange : 896/ 2987 30.00% ( 31.08%), 7 ( 0.78%) clones, pur 96.43%, hit eff 91.93%
Long strange, p > 5 GeV : 726/ 1397 51.97% ( 52.42%), 6 ( 0.82%) clones, pur 96.89%, hit eff 94.11%
Long from B : 2767/ 3967 69.75% ( 70.40%), 16 ( 0.57%) clones, pur 97.46%, hit eff 94.60%
Long from B, p > 5 GeV : 2647/ 3282 80.65% ( 81.05%), 15 ( 0.56%) clones, pur 97.54%, hit eff 95.07%
Long electrons : 622/ 4782 13.01% ( 13.58%), 16 ( 2.51%) clones, pur 95.61%, hit eff 91.48%
Long electrons from B : 71/ 246 28.86% ( 31.10%), 3 ( 4.05%) clones, pur 95.77%, hit eff 91.87%
Long electrons from B, p > 5 GeV : 66/ 158 41.77% ( 45.17%), 3 ( 4.35%) clones, pur 95.78%, hit eff 92.62%
Long from D electrons, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV : 34/ 62 54.84% ( 55.66%), 0 ( 0.00%) clones, pur 97.53%, hit eff 93.83%
Long from D, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV : 750/ 948 79.11% ( 77.63%), 2 ( 0.27%) clones, pur 97.16%, hit eff 93.88%
Long from B electrons, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV : 60/ 102 58.82% ( 60.67%), 3 ( 4.76%) clones, pur 96.42%, hit eff 92.85%
Long from B, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV : 2530/ 3051 82.92% ( 81.90%), 15 ( 0.59%) clones, pur 97.57%, hit eff 94.99%
Long from B, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV, eta < 2.5, (phi-pi/2)<0.8: 137/ 268 51.12% ( 49.18%), 1 ( 0.72%) clones, pur 96.15%, hit eff 91.80%
Long from B, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV, eta > 2.5, (phi-pi/2)<0.8: 1215/ 1377 88.24% ( 88.07%), 6 ( 0.49%) clones, pur 97.50%, hit eff 95.10%
Long from B, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV, eta < 2.5, (phi-pi/2)>0.8: 192/ 277 69.31% ( 66.53%), 1 ( 0.52%) clones, pur 97.13%, hit eff 93.63%
Long from B, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV, eta > 2.5, (phi-pi/2)>0.8: 986/ 1129 87.33% ( 86.64%), 7 ( 0.70%) clones, pur 97.92%, hit eff 95.55%