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add ```MCPVtype``` and ```is_primary``` branch to RootDumpers/PrTVDumper.cpp

Zhihong Shen requested to merge zhshen_rootdumper_addMCPVtype into run5

add MCPVtype and is_primary branch to RootDumpers/PrTVDumper.cpp. The two branches are a flag if an MCParticle's vertex is a PV. The MCPVtype use mcVertexType function in RootDumpers/PrTVDumper.cpp, while the is_primary is obtained by is_primary = mcparticle->originVertex()->isPrimary();.

I found that DecayOriginMother_pid and DecayOriginMother_key cannot work properly. It only works when fromCharmDecay or fromBeautyDecay is true. I try to fix this by assigning DecayOriginMother_pid and DecayOriginMother_key when the mother is found.

In addition, I add DecayOriginMotherMother_pid and DecayOriginMotherMother_key.

Edited by Zhihong Shen

Merge request reports
