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Retune UV search windows to significantly reduce ghost rate

Vava Gligorov requested to merge gligorov-allen_tdr-patch-57739 into allen_tdr

All credit to @rquaglia for the idea to tighten the UV search windows. This reduces the ghost rate considerably while reducing efficiencies only a bit at low momentum; the efficiency for high momentum electrons actually improves.

@thboettc this will significantly reduce the 1Track output rate in particular, something to keep in mind for your alignment of selections.

@dcampora @dovombru please review & approve at your convenience

Output before and after on Bs2PhiPhi from local testing

TrackChecker output                               :     11325/   162149   6.98% ghosts
for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV                              :      5915/   103756   5.70% ghosts
01_long                                           :    143739/   305092  47.11% ( 48.10%),       990 (  0.68%) clones, pur  96.56%, hit eff  92.96%
02_long_P>5GeV                                    :    120265/   191676  62.74% ( 63.53%),       814 (  0.67%) clones, pur  96.87%, hit eff  93.66%
03_long_strange                                   :      4296/    13610  31.57% ( 31.51%),        25 (  0.58%) clones, pur  95.88%, hit eff  92.54%
04_long_strange_P>5GeV                            :      3232/     6360  50.82% ( 51.61%),        16 (  0.49%) clones, pur  96.32%, hit eff  93.58%
05_long_fromB                                     :     14163/    19596  72.27% ( 73.44%),       101 (  0.71%) clones, pur  97.05%, hit eff  94.19%
06_long_fromB_P>5GeV                              :     13229/    15901  83.20% ( 83.55%),        89 (  0.67%) clones, pur  97.16%, hit eff  94.43%
07_long_electrons                                 :      2921/    22974  12.71% ( 13.24%),        68 (  2.28%) clones, pur  95.50%, hit eff  92.29%
08_long_electrons_P>5GeV                          :      2544/    11696  21.75% ( 22.90%),        57 (  2.19%) clones, pur  95.76%, hit eff  92.84%
09_long_fromB_electrons                           :       360/     1035  34.78% ( 37.83%),        10 (  2.70%) clones, pur  96.34%, hit eff  93.39%
10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV                    :       333/      687  48.47% ( 52.01%),         9 (  2.63%) clones, pur  96.46%, hit eff  93.63%

TrackChecker output                               :      8670/   158020   5.49% ghosts
for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV                              :      4463/   101846   4.38% ghosts
01_long                                           :    142762/   305092  46.79% ( 47.75%),      1002 (  0.70%) clones, pur  96.63%, hit eff  92.95%
02_long_P>5GeV                                    :    119895/   191676  62.55% ( 63.33%),       823 (  0.68%) clones, pur  96.94%, hit eff  93.64%
03_long_strange                                   :      4214/    13610  30.96% ( 30.87%),        24 (  0.57%) clones, pur  95.97%, hit eff  92.59%
04_long_strange_P>5GeV                            :      3206/     6360  50.41% ( 51.31%),        16 (  0.50%) clones, pur  96.41%, hit eff  93.59%
05_long_fromB                                     :     14126/    19596  72.09% ( 73.23%),       102 (  0.72%) clones, pur  97.10%, hit eff  94.20%
06_long_fromB_P>5GeV                              :     13219/    15901  83.13% ( 83.50%),        91 (  0.68%) clones, pur  97.21%, hit eff  94.43%
07_long_electrons                                 :      2880/    22974  12.54% ( 13.09%),        65 (  2.21%) clones, pur  95.56%, hit eff  92.32%
08_long_electrons_P>5GeV                          :      2521/    11696  21.55% ( 22.74%),        54 (  2.10%) clones, pur  95.80%, hit eff  92.86%
09_long_fromB_electrons                           :       363/     1035  35.07% ( 38.13%),         9 (  2.42%) clones, pur  96.26%, hit eff  93.29%
10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV                    :       337/      687  49.05% ( 52.62%),         8 (  2.32%) clones, pur  96.40%, hit eff  93.51%
Edited by Vava Gligorov

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