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update documentation

Dorothea Vom Bruch requested to merge dovombru_update_documentation into allen_tdr

Updates the documentation to reflect the new configuration framework.

Readmes are now located in three locations:

  • in cuda/selections describing how to add a new HLT1 line
  • in describing how to add an algorithm to Allen
  • in configuration describing the configuration of algorithms in a sequence and how to configure the HLT1 lines
  • in integration/monitoring describing how to add monitoring histograms

Also, the saxpy example is now added as algorithm to Allen to give an easy example to start off from. I modified it a bit to use the number of events in the configuration and to take velo tracks as input, because these are typical HLT1 use cases.

FYI @dcampora @thboettc @dcraik this heavily affects readmes that all of you have written. Please double check that everything is up to date. I did not touch the monitoring readme. @dcraik can you please check that it is still up to date?

Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch

Merge request reports
