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align checker with PrChecker and enable dumping of binaries with Moore

Dorothea Vom Bruch requested to merge dovombru_update_checker_categories into master

adjust track checking categories to Rec/Moore ones:

  • apply eta25 cut to all MCP categories
  • don't apply eta25 cut to reconstructed VeloUT and Forward tracks

Note that histograms produced with the PrChecker, using the mc_categories defined in Moore will have a 2 < eta < 5 cut applied by default:

In Allen, the histogram categories are defined independently from the track checking categories, so one can choose to use the histogram with or w/o the eta cut, for example here for the Velo:

In addition, dumping binary input for Allen is possible now together with Moore!378 (merged) when calling Allen from Moore, as described in the readme

To do:

  • check histograms: no cuts applied in PrChecker?
  • fix naming of parameters in RunAllen (not related to this issue, but should be done)
Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch

Merge request reports
