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WIP: Add trackMVA device algorithms to master

Sean Condon requested to merge trackMVAs_device_algorithms into master

This merge will add two new device algorithms to Allen: a oneTrack and a twoTrack particle decay selection algorithm using CatBoost decision tree models to discriminate between interesting and non-interesting particle decays. This work was completed over the summer under the supervision of @thboettc and @dcraik.

The following is an approximate changelog of files modified to incorporate these new device algorithms:

  • Added a custom sequence incorporating trackMVA algorithms into HLT1 in configuration/sequences/ and configuration/sequences/definitions/

  • Added names to the algorithms in configuration/sequences/definitions/ so that they could be incorporated as inputs into the trackMVA algorithms.

  • Added device algorithms in device/trackMVAs, also modified CMakeLists.txt in the device directory to incorporate the new directory.

  • Added trackMVAs in target_link_libraries of stream/CMakeLists.txt

  • Added CatBoost models into input/detector_configuration/down

  • Modified stream/sequence/include/Constants.h, stream/sequence/source/Constants.cpp, and main/src/Allen.cpp

Models are trained using ntuples produced using custom branches of MooreAnalysis ( and Analysis ( Tracks are reconstructed using Allen and combined using the Moore HLT2 particle combiners.

The data used is available in the TestfileDB. Tags used:


  • Upgrade_BsPhiPhi_MD_FTv4_DIGI
  • Upgrade_Ds2KKPi_MD_FTv4_DIGI
  • Upgrade_KstEE_MD_FTv4_DIGI
  • Upgrade_KstMuMu_MD_FTv4_DIGI
  • upgrade_DC19_01_Bs2JPsiPhi_MD
  • upgrade_DC19_01_Dp2KSPip_MU
  • upgrade_DC19_01_Dst2D0piMD


  • MiniBrunel_2018_MinBias_FTv4_DIGI

A more detailed description of training and performance can be found here:

Edited by Thomas Boettcher

Merge request reports
