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Momentum resolution study lingzhu

Lingzhu Bian requested to merge momentum_resolution_study_lingzhu into master

This MR uses a different parameterization for momentum and improves the momentum resolution. The short of it is: use dev_velo_kalman_endvelo_states as the input for velo state and the state at z_mid_t as input for SciFi state. The performance(momentum resolution and throughput) of this new parameterization can be seen in this report on WP2 meeting

  • The origin qop calculation in lf_quality_filter and the related information(parameters, states, tracks) are gone
  • The new qop calculation is done in scifi_consolidate_tracks

this branch relies on end_velo_state_maxime

Closes #126 (closed)

Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch

Merge request reports
