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WIP: Match Upstream Muon, DiMuonTrackEfficiencyLine and small EventModel changes

Adrian Casais Vidal requested to merge acasaisv-MatchUpstreamMuon2020 into master

The changes introduced here can be factored in two big categories:

  • Optimisation/speed-up of MatchUpstreamMuon algorithm
  • Slight changes on event model and sequence to account VeloUT/Forward tracks vertices.

A custom sequence called hlt1_pp_mum (mum = MatchUpstreamMuon) contains the following algorithms:

  • FakeInput: Builds self referential ut_indices needed to build UTTracks with SciFi constructor
  • MuonFilter: Selects events containing tracks statisfying a certain criterio by building a new event list
  • MuonTrackType: Filters out low p tracks to minimize branching in MatchUpstreamMuon
  • MatchUpstreamMuon: Selects VeloUT tracks that match certain Muon hits
  • KalmanVeloOnlyMF: Reconfiguration of KalmanVeloOnly algorithm applied to VeloUT in events passing the MuonFilter
  • FilterTracksMF
  • FitSecondaryVerticesMF
  • JoinVertices: The idea here is to keep all SVs in the same array. But this would mean deeper changes in event model...

Also old hardcoded version of these implementations is removed since it is no longer needed.

To being able to use these algorithms some modifications were needed. This implied constructing UTTracks as SciFi Tracks.

This is how it looks like from the configuration point of view:

filter_tracks_mf = filter_tracks_t(
// Consolidated SciFi tracks.
  SciFi::Consolidated::ConstTracks scifi_tracks_1 {parameters.dev_atomics_scifi_1,
  const unsigned event_tracks_offset_1 = scifi_tracks_1.tracks_offset(event_number);
  const unsigned n_scifi_tracks_1 = scifi_tracks_1.number_of_tracks(event_number);

  // Consolidated SciFi tracks.
  SciFi::Consolidated::ConstTracks scifi_tracks_2 {
    number_of_events}; // 

Maybe the more fishy part is that 'fake' SciFi tracks are built with proper SciFi states - which doesn't pose any problem but it's not ideal. Self referencing UT indices are built by FakeInput kernel.

To validate that regular sequence still works with this reconfiguration this is the throughput test in this branch as of 27/11/2020:

GeForce RTX 3090      │██████████████████████████████████████████████     230.23 kHz
GeForce RTX 3080      │██████████████████████████████████████             194.79 kHz
Quadro RTX 6000       │█████████████████████████████████                  166.73 kHz
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti   │███████████████████████████████                    158.09 kHz
Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB  │█████████████████████████████                      147.06 kHz
Intel Xeon E5-2630 v4 │▌                                                  4.46 kHz
                      0         50       100       150       200       250    

Throughput running w/o UT cut and MatchUpstreamMuon sequence:

GeForce RTX 3090      │██████████████████████████████████████████████   192.37 kHz
GeForce RTX 3080      │███████████████████████████████████████          162.62 kHz
Quadro RTX 6000       │███████████████████████████████████              146.23 kHz
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti   │█████████████████████████████████                139.23 kHz
Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB  │█████████████████████████████                    122.17 kHz
Intel Xeon E5-2630 v4 │▌                                                3.77 kHz
                      0           50         100         150         200     

Throughput running with UT cut and MatchUpstreamMuon sequence:

GeForce RTX 3090      │████████████████████████████████████████████       224.98 kHz
GeForce RTX 3080      │█████████████████████████████████████              185.23 kHz
Quadro RTX 6000       │████████████████████████████████                   163.76 kHz
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti   │███████████████████████████████                    155.90 kHz
Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB  │███████████████████████████                        137.78 kHz
Intel Xeon E5-2630 v4 │▌                                                  4.47 kHz
                      0         50       100       150       200       250    

Of course these numbers may change if cuts on MuonFilter are applied. In the end, this goes down to what use one may give to the algorithm.

This is how checkers look for hlt1_pp_default (MatchUpstreamMuon not running so VeloUT track checker is giving random results) :

Requested options:
 folder containing data directories (-f, --folder): /home/acasaisv/hltcuda/mag_down/
 folder containing detector configuration (-g, --geometry): ../input/detector_configuration/down/
 comma-separated list of MDF files to use as input (--mdf):
 comma-separated list of MEP files to use as input (--mep):
 Transpose MEPs instead of decoding from MEP layout directly (--transpose-mep): 0
 path to json file containing values of configurable algorithm constants (--configuration): Sequence.json
 show status of buffer and socket (--print-status): 0
 show current algorithm configuration (--print-config): 0
 write current algorithm configuration to file (--write-configuration): 0
 number of events to process (-n, --number-of-events): 1000
 number of input slices to allocate (-s, --number-of-slices): 0
 number of events per slice (--events-per-slice): 1000
 number of threads / streams (-t, --threads): 1
 number of repetitions per thread / stream (-r, --repetitions): 1
 run validation / checkers (-c, --validate): 1
 memory to reserve on the device per thread / stream (megabytes) (-m, --memory): 1000
 memory to reserve on the host per thread / stream (megabytes) (--host-memory): 200
 verbosity [0-5] (-v, --verbosity): 3
 print memory usage (-p, --print-memory): 0
 import forward tracks dumped from Brunel (-i, --import-tracks):
 offload part of the computation to CPU (--cpu-offload): 1
 Write selected event to output file (--output-file):
 select device to use (--device): 0, GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
 Runs the program indefinitely (--non-stop): 0
 Read events with MPI (--with-mpi):
 Size of MPI sliding window (--mpi-window-size): 4
 Number of MPI network slices (--mpi-number-of-slices): 6
 Whether to insert random memory failures (0: off 1-15: rate of 1 in 2^N) (--inject-mem-fail): 0
 Number of seconds between writes of the monitoring histograms (0: off) (--monitoring-save-period): 0
 Ignore signals to update non-event data with each run change (--disable-run-changes): 1

Setting number of slices to 2
Starting timer for throughput measurement
Input complete
Checked 1000 events
Processing complete

Velo tracks:
TrackChecker output                               :      1921/   226866   0.85% ghosts
01_velo                                           :     93943/    95311  98.56% ( 98.63%),      2022 (  2.11%) clones, pur  99.72%, hit eff  96.64%
02_long                                           :     53585/    53895  99.42% ( 99.45%),       799 (  1.47%) clones, pur  99.84%, hit eff  97.87%
03_long_P>5GeV                                    :     33212/    33309  99.71% ( 99.71%),       380 (  1.13%) clones, pur  99.85%, hit eff  98.44%
04_long_strange                                   :      2396/     2440  98.20% ( 98.25%),        43 (  1.76%) clones, pur  99.46%, hit eff  96.95%
05_long_strange_P>5GeV                            :      1102/     1118  98.57% ( 98.23%),        13 (  1.17%) clones, pur  99.37%, hit eff  97.79%
06_long_fromB                                     :       248/      248 100.00% (100.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur  99.65%, hit eff  99.19%
07_long_fromB_P>5GeV                              :       183/      183 100.00% (100.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur  99.61%, hit eff  99.28%
08_long_electrons                                 :      4135/     4235  97.64% ( 97.54%),       118 (  2.77%) clones, pur  98.11%, hit eff  97.08%
09_long_fromB_electrons                           :        18/       18 100.00% (100.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff  97.78%
10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV                    :        11/       11 100.00% (100.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff  96.36%

Primary vertices:
REC and MC vertices matched by dz distance
MC PV is reconstructible if at least 4 tracks are reconstructed
MC PV is isolated if dz to closest reconstructible MC PV > 10.00 mm
REC and MC vertices matched by dz distance

All                  :  0.923 (  4750/  5147)
Isolated             :  0.962 (  2461/  2558)
Close                :  0.884 (  2289/  2589)
False rate           :  0.005 (    23/  4773)
Real false rate      :  0.005 (    23/  4773)
Clones               :  0.000 (     0/  4750)

Velo+UT tracks:
TrackChecker output                               :      2888/    44639   6.47% ghosts
01_velo                                           :     39835/    95311  41.79% ( 41.81%),       282 (  0.70%) clones, pur  99.49%, hit eff  96.59%
02_velo+UT                                        :     39752/    82897  47.95% ( 47.98%),       282 (  0.70%) clones, pur  99.51%, hit eff  96.59%
03_velo+UT_P>5GeV                                 :     28075/    40031  70.13% ( 70.22%),       196 (  0.69%) clones, pur  99.62%, hit eff  97.45%
04_velo+notLong                                   :      8047/    41416  19.43% ( 19.33%),        48 (  0.59%) clones, pur  99.26%, hit eff  95.37%
05_velo+UT+notLong                                :      7973/    29661  26.88% ( 26.79%),        48 (  0.60%) clones, pur  99.35%, hit eff  95.34%
06_velo+UT+notLong_P>5GeV                         :      4329/     7279  59.47% ( 59.59%),        21 (  0.48%) clones, pur  99.59%, hit eff  97.44%
07_long                                           :     31788/    53895  58.98% ( 58.95%),       234 (  0.73%) clones, pur  99.56%, hit eff  96.90%
08_long_P>5GeV                                    :     23755/    33309  71.32% ( 71.29%),       175 (  0.73%) clones, pur  99.62%, hit eff  97.46%
09_long_fromB                                     :       189/      248  76.21% ( 76.36%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur  99.62%, hit eff  97.13%
10_long_fromB_P>5GeV                              :       157/      183  85.79% ( 87.47%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur  99.69%, hit eff  97.56%
11_long_electrons                                 :       744/     4235  17.57% ( 17.39%),        20 (  2.62%) clones, pur  98.14%, hit eff  95.68%
12_long_fromB_electrons                           :         9/       18  50.00% ( 50.00%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff  95.56%
13_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV                    :         7/       11  63.64% ( 63.64%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur 100.00%, hit eff  94.29%

Muon matching:
Muon fraction in all MCPs:                                              11804/   815358   0.01%
Muon fraction in MCPs to which a track(s) was matched:                    803/    41424   0.02%
Correctly identified muons with isMuon:                                   802/      803  99.88%
Correctly identified muons from strange decays with isMuon:                 1/        1 100.00%
Correctly identified muons from B decays with isMuon:                      71/       71 100.00%
Tracks identified as muon with isMuon, but matched to non-muon MCP:     40575/    40621  99.89%
Ghost tracks identified as muon with isMuon:                             2884/     2888  99.86%

Forward tracks:
TrackChecker output                               :      1598/    29323   5.45% ghosts
for P>3GeV,Pt>0.5GeV                              :       724/    18032   4.02% ghosts
01_long                                           :     26334/    53895  48.86% ( 49.67%),       187 (  0.71%) clones, pur  96.63%, hit eff  92.80%
02_long_P>5GeV                                    :     21899/    33309  65.74% ( 66.47%),       155 (  0.70%) clones, pur  96.95%, hit eff  93.54%
03_long_strange                                   :       800/     2440  32.79% ( 32.51%),         4 (  0.50%) clones, pur  95.97%, hit eff  92.35%
04_long_strange_P>5GeV                            :       602/     1118  53.85% ( 53.42%),         4 (  0.66%) clones, pur  96.46%, hit eff  93.48%
05_long_fromB                                     :       169/      248  68.15% ( 65.35%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur  97.20%, hit eff  93.92%
06_long_fromB_P>5GeV                              :       152/      183  83.06% ( 83.97%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur  97.53%, hit eff  94.86%
07_long_electrons                                 :       539/     4235  12.73% ( 13.32%),        11 (  2.00%) clones, pur  95.55%, hit eff  92.26%
08_long_electrons_P>5GeV                          :       470/     2079  22.61% ( 23.22%),        11 (  2.29%) clones, pur  95.70%, hit eff  92.68%
09_long_fromB_electrons                           :         7/       18  38.89% ( 40.62%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur  94.44%, hit eff  91.08%
10_long_fromB_electrons_P>5GeV                    :         6/       11  54.55% ( 54.55%),         0 (  0.00%) clones, pur  95.36%, hit eff  92.93%

Muon matching:
Muon fraction in all MCPs:                                              11804/   815358   0.01%
Muon fraction in MCPs to which a track(s) was matched:                    898/    30943   0.03%
Correctly identified muons with isMuon:                                   797/      898  88.75%
Correctly identified muons from strange decays with isMuon:                 0/        0   -nan%
Correctly identified muons from B decays with isMuon:                      54/       57  94.74%
Tracks identified as muon with isMuon, but matched to non-muon MCP:      3364/    30045  11.20%
Ghost tracks identified as muon with isMuon:                              174/     1598  10.89%

HLT1 rates:
Hlt1TrackMVA:             25/  1000, (  750.00 +/-   148.11) kHz
Hlt1TwoTrackMVA:          31/  1000, (  930.00 +/-   164.42) kHz
Hlt1NoBeam:                0/  1000, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1BeamOne:               0/  1000, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1BeamTwo:               0/  1000, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1BothBeams:             0/  1000, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1VeloMicroBias:         1/  1000, (   30.00 +/-    29.98) kHz
Hlt1ODINLumi:              0/  1000, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1ODINNoBias:            0/  1000, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1SingleHighPtMuon:     13/  1000, (  390.00 +/-   107.46) kHz
Hlt1LowPtMuon:           118/  1000, ( 3540.00 +/-   306.05) kHz
Hlt1D2KK:                  6/  1000, (  180.00 +/-    73.26) kHz
Hlt1D2KPi:                 8/  1000, (  240.00 +/-    84.51) kHz
Hlt1D2PiPi:                3/  1000, (   90.00 +/-    51.88) kHz
Hlt1DiMuonHighMass:      188/  1000, ( 5640.00 +/-   370.66) kHz
Hlt1DiMuonLowMass:        28/  1000, (  840.00 +/-   156.51) kHz
Hlt1DiMuonSoft:            0/  1000, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1LowPtDiMuon:          44/  1000, ( 1320.00 +/-   194.57) kHz
Hlt1TrackMuonMVA:         10/  1000, (  300.00 +/-    94.39) kHz
Hlt1GECPassthrough:      878/  1000, (26340.00 +/-   310.49) kHz
Hlt1Passthrough:        1000/  1000, (30000.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Inclusive:              1000/  1000, (30000.00 +/-     0.00) kHz

212.533616 events/s
Ran test for 4.705138 seconds

Finally, the idea with Hlt1DiMuonTrackTypeLine is for this to be a control line which could be used to give a measurement of the reconstruction efficiency of SciFi tracks using a tag and probe method. This would take as input UT/SciFi vertices to which the MatchUpstreamMuon decision was fed to, as well as the isMuon, as usual.

p.s.: Possibility to produce Tracking test plots for UT tracks is also added and an 'undisered' snippet of code is added to Stream.cpp which orders the event list before checking, give the fact that MuonFilter, as it runs on the device won't output an ordered list. Track checker doesn't work well with unordered lists apparently...

note: Work is not finished but I would like this to be (at least partially) merged so that it keeps up to date with master changes as much as possible.

Edited by Adrian Casais Vidal

Merge request reports
