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Lorenzo Pica requested to merge lpica_Ks_Lambda into master

The MR introduces a new line in Allen. This lines selects Ks already at first HLT level.

These are defined inside .cuh and .cu files and they have been added to the Allen default lines, in order to test them with other lines (and determine inclusive rates).

This MR was implementing another line, aimed to Lambda0 collection as done for Ks. The implementation of the Lambda0 line is now in !614 (closed). The two lines have been put in different MRs to do not slow down the merging of this MR, since the Lambda0 needs additional work before being ready.

Selections of the TwoTrackKsLine are:

  • chi2trk/ndof (pi) < 2.5
  • p_t(pi) > 470 MeV/c
  • p(pi) > 5000 MeV/c
  • IPchi2 (pi) > 50
  • chi2_vtx (KS) < 20
  • 2 < eta(KS) < 4.2
  • |m(pi pi) - m(KS)| < 45 MeV/c2
  • p_t(KS) > 2500 MeV/c
  • cos(theta_DIRA) > 0.99
  • cos(theta(pi pi)) > 0.99
  • IP(pi+) x IP(pi-) / IP(KS) > 0.72 mm

Rate is computed through HltEfficiencyChecker, exploiting 100k events of the MiniBrunel_2018_MinBias_FTv4_DIGI MinBias sample. Rate Ks-Line (exclusive) = (63.9 +- 4.3) kHz Rate (TrackMVA OR TwoTrackMVA) = (811 +- 15) kHz Rate (TrackMVA OR TwoTrackMVA or Ks-Line) = (851 +- 16) kHz Ks-Line adds 40 kHz to the rate of TrackMVA and TwoTrackMVA.

Efficiencies are estimated exploiting HltEfficiencyChecker on some significant samples. Efficiencies are computed for both Ks-Line, TrackMVA and TwoTrackMVA lines, as reference.

NOTICE: these are Decision efficiencies and not TOS efficiencies, therefore also particles not coming from the considered decay can trigger the lines. This probably enhances the eff. of lines of large rate more than the one of the Ks-Line, due to its lower acceptance. Decision efficiencies are shown since TOS efficiencies are not available at the moment for Allen in HltEfficiencyChecker.

eff(TrackMVA) = (7.4 +- 1.3)%
eff(TwoTrackMVA) = (8.9 +- 1.5)%
eff(Ks-Line) = (8.9 +- 1.5)%
eff(TrackMVA) = (59 +- 6)%
eff(TwoTrackMVA) = (38 +- 6)%
eff(Ks-Line) = (49 +- 6)%
eff(TrackMVA) = (5.4 +- 0.7)%
eff(TwoTrackMVA) = (9.8 +- 0.9)%
eff(Ks-Line) = (3.1 +- 0.5)%
eff(TrackMVA) = (20.5 +- 0.8)%
eff(TwoTrackMVA) = (17.1 +- 0.8)%
eff(Ks-Line) = (15.0 +- 0.7)%
eff(TrackMVA) = (47.3 +- 1.6)%
eff(TwoTrackMVA) = (47.7 +- 1.6)%
eff(Ks-Line) = (9.1 +- 0.9)%
eff(TrackMVA) = (7.2 +- 0.6)%
eff(TwoTrackMVA) = (8.0 +- 0.6)%
eff(Ks-Line) = (3.0 +- 0.4)%
eff(TrackMVA) = (5.3 +- 0.5)%
eff(TwoTrackMVA) = (6.9 +- 0.5)%
eff(Ks-Line) = (2.1 +- 0.3)%
eff(TrackMVA) = (32.9 +- 1.3)%
eff(TwoTrackMVA) = (35.3 +- 1.3)%
eff(Ks-Line) = (3.7 +- 0.5)%

FYI: @mstahl, @sstahl, @vlisovsk, @adeoyang, @msaur, @mcharles, @valukash, @gpunzi, @gtuci.

Edited by Rosen Matev

Merge request reports
