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Report the rate without requiring MC information

Roel Aaij requested to merge default_rate_report into master

The (line) rate reporter does not need MC information, so it has now been added to the HLT1 sequence, i.e. it runs also when not using MC information.

This makes it significantly easier to run on a large sample of minbias events to get a better estimate of the line rates.

The JSON output when writing the configuration to a file has also been made more readable.

Pregenerated sequences have been updated.

Example output running on nearly 100k minbias events in 8 seconds:

rate_validator validation:
Hlt1KsToPiPi:           1963/ 97799, (  602.15 +/-    13.45) kHz
Hlt1TrackMVA:           1297/ 97799, (  397.86 +/-    10.97) kHz
Hlt1TwoTrackMVA:        1721/ 97799, (  527.92 +/-    12.61) kHz
Hlt1TwoTrackCatBoost:   1769/ 97799, (  542.64 +/-    12.78) kHz
Hlt1SingleHighPtMuon:     28/ 97799, (    8.59 +/-     1.62) kHz
Hlt1LowPtMuon:          7146/ 97799, ( 2192.05 +/-    24.97) kHz
Hlt1D2KK:                252/ 97799, (   77.30 +/-     4.86) kHz
Hlt1D2KPi:               322/ 97799, (   98.77 +/-     5.50) kHz
Hlt1D2PiPi:              132/ 97799, (   40.49 +/-     3.52) kHz
Hlt1DiMuonHighMass:      402/ 97799, (  123.31 +/-     6.14) kHz
Hlt1DiMuonLowMass:       526/ 97799, (  161.35 +/-     7.02) kHz
Hlt1DiMuonSoft:           16/ 97799, (    4.91 +/-     1.23) kHz
Hlt1LowPtDiMuon:        1181/ 97799, (  362.27 +/-    10.48) kHz
Hlt1TrackMuonMVA:         75/ 97799, (   23.01 +/-     2.66) kHz
Hlt1GECPassthrough:    90837/ 97799, (27864.40 +/-    24.67) kHz
Hlt1NoBeam:                0/ 97799, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1BeamOne:               0/ 97799, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1BeamTwo:               0/ 97799, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1BothBeams:            99/ 97799, (   30.37 +/-     3.05) kHz
Hlt1VeloMicroBias:        90/ 97799, (   27.61 +/-     2.91) kHz
Hlt1ODINLumi:              0/ 97799, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1ODINNoBias:            0/ 97799, (    0.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Hlt1Passthrough:       97799/ 97799, (30000.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Inclusive:             97799/ 97799, (30000.00 +/-     0.00) kHz
Edited by Roel Aaij

Merge request reports
