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Define aggregates as std::vectors

Daniel Hugo Campora Perez requested to merge dcampora_aggregates_as_vectors into master

This MR changes the way INPUT_AGGREGATES are defined. Previously, each input aggregate would require a generated std::tuple at configuration time to exist with the types used in the aggregate. This MR changes it so that effectively that requirement is gone and instead an input aggregate becomes basically a std::vector<ArgumentData> with a frontend that makes it more akin to other Allen methods.

What does this enable

INPUT AGGREGATES can be defined as follows:

struct Parameters {
  DEVICE_INPUT_AGGREGATE(dev_input_selections_t, bool) dev_input_selections;
  DEVICE_INPUT_AGGREGATE(dev_input_selections_offsets_t, unsigned) dev_input_selections_offsets;
  HOST_INPUT_AGGREGATE(host_input_post_scale_factors_t, float) host_input_post_scale_factors;
  HOST_INPUT_AGGREGATE(host_input_post_scale_hashes_t, uint32_t) host_input_post_scale_hashes;

The above code defined four input aggregates, two on the device and two on the host. The types of the input aggregates should be consistent with the data that the various inputs it will be given will hold. For instance, the following excerpt from the configuration could be used to set a parameter:

  dev_input_selections_t=[parameter_a, parameter_b, parameter_c],

As shown, each input aggregates accepts a list of parameters as an input. Each of the above parameters should be of the type indicated by the input aggregate. In this case, parameter_a, parameter_b and parameter_c must be of type bool (the type of dev_input_selections_t).

As with other parameters, it is possible to access input aggregates in either set_arguments_size or operator() of the algorithm with a new function:

const auto input_ag = input_aggregate<dev_input_selections_t>(arguments);

The variable input_ag will now contain an object of type InputAggregate<bool>. This type exposes the following member functions:

  • size_t size_of_aggregate() const -- Returns the size of the aggregate (ie. the size of the list).
  • T* data(const int index) const -- Returns the base pointer to the container at position index.
  • T first(const int index) const -- Accesses the first element of the container at position index.
  • size_t size(const int index) const -- Returns the size of container at position index.
  • gsl::span<T> span(const int index) const -- Returns a span of container at index.
  • std::string name(const int index) const -- Name of container at index.

For a developed example please see .

Backend simplifications

This MR simplifies significantly both the way input aggregates are defined and how to operate with them. It also greatly simplifies the backend:

  • The now only generates the Sequence.h file. InputAggregates.h is not generated and required anymore.
  • All inputs, algorithms and inputs are now defined in a single configuration file Sequence.h.
  • This implies that the Stream target does not rely on InputAggregates.h.
  • It also means that no algorithm relies on InputAggregates.h anymore. This improves scalability and simplifies the requirements between targets.
  • This MR will enable not needing to compile certain algorithms for every sequence desired in runtime in !552 (merged) . Instead, only Stream.cpp is now required.
  • This MR will enable generation of the remaining Allen algorithms as Gaudi algorithms in !431 (closed).
  • It will likely be a necessary step for a complete type-erased sequence.
  • Allen::copy is now synchronous. Allen::copy_async is asynchronous.
  • set_size and reduce_size are now statically asserted to run over OUTPUT datatypes.
  • first is now statically asserted to run over HOST datatypes.


  • Added templated InputAggregate class.
  • Defined macro INPUT_AGGREGATE and redefined macros HOST_INPUT_AGGREGATE and DEVICE_INPUT_AGGREGATE to be specializations of it.
  • Created flexible Allen::copy functions, accepting gsl::span as inputs. Simplified other Allen copy utility functions.
  • Rewrote algorithm gather_selections_t.
  • Simplified which doesn't have to produce InputAggregates anymore. That also affects its generate_sequence, which becomes more homogeneous.
  • Adapted SchedulerMachinery.cpp code to generate InputAggregate objects on the fly.
Edited by Daniel Hugo Campora Perez

Merge request reports
