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Remove IP requirements on dielectrons in FilterTracks

Thomas Boettcher requested to merge thboettc_no_ip_dielectrons into master

Tracks identified as electrons should be used to create secondary vertices with no PV-related requirements. To do this only in the hlt1_pp_ecal sequence, this MR does the following:

  • Adds is_electron data member to ParKalmanFilter::FittedTrack, which is set to false when the tracks are created in the kalman filter.
  • Adds an algorithm that takes kalman tracks and calo ID results and creates new kalman tracks with is_electron set
  • Instead of ignoring PV requirements in FilterTracks if a track is_muon, these requirements are ignored if is_muon || is_lepton

This is built off of !639 (merged). This is a workaround and should be unnecessary after !690 (merged) is done.

FYI @johndan @nnolte

Edited by Thomas Boettcher

Merge request reports
