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Draft: add muon and electron mva line

Niklas Stefan Nolte requested to merge NN_muon_electron_lines into master

add two track mva lines with an additional cut on electron / muon id

@dcampora @raaij @whomever_manages_AlgorithmTraversalLibClang
I had a funny bug in my code that was pretty annoying to trace. When I copied the Parameters from TwoTrackMVA to TwoTrackElectronMVA, i forgot to take out a PROPERTY for muon id.
However, I did remove the Property<bool> in the line struct itself (see first commit).
The result of that is that the python struct two_track_electron_mva_line_t is simply not created and then we get an import error when trying to use it.
I tracked down the symptom to AlgorithmTraversalLibClang, where there is a unspecified try-except. (
In the except case, the algorithm is simply not translated. Maybe we can specify things a bit more here?

Edited by Niklas Stefan Nolte

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