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Fixing track checker

Dorothea Vom Bruch requested to merge fixing_track_checker into master
  • track checker fixed to give same result as the one in Rec for efficiencies, clone rates, ghost rates, hit purity; the hit efficiency still has a tiny difference, that has to be fixed later
  • compassUT: added fastfitter that was added to the x86 version in Rec by Michel; it gives better momentum resolution, applies acceptance cuts and reduces the ghost rate
  • SciFi tracking: looking forward search by triplet algorithm added, it is still missing the Scifi states as output and will be improved, but in principle it is running and much better than the PrForward both in physics and throughput
  • once the looking forward has been completely finalized, it will be added as default algorithm in the DefaultSequence

Closes #62 (closed) #48 (closed)

Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch

Merge request reports
