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Allow external projects to be fetched from preexisting dirs

Daniel Hugo Campora Perez requested to merge dcampora_cleaner_standalone into master

This MR does the following:

  • It moves LHCb and Gaudi to the binary dir external/LHCb and external/Gaudi respectively.
  • It moves PARAMFILES to binary dir external/ParamFiles (@dovombru).
  • It removes configuration/python/AllenConf/, which should not have been pushed (@ascarabo). It also creates an entry in .gitignore to avoid this in the future.
  • It allows to specify either an environment variable or a cmake option for the above three projects, which results in Allen STANDALONE building without cloning the projects. This speeds up compilation and is useful when building multiple times.
  • The env / cmake variables to do so are: LHCBROOT, GAUDIROOT and PARAMFILESROOT.
  • The step "Parsing Allen algorithms" was performed multiple times when building. Make a custom target to reuse the same one instead.
Edited by Daniel Hugo Campora Perez

Merge request reports
