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Add NeutralBasicParticles for photon lines

Thomas Boettcher requested to merge thboettc_neutral_basics into master

This MR:

  • Adds NeutralBasicParticle, NeutralBasicParticles, and MultiEventNeutralBasicParticles to the event model.
  • Expands CompositeParticle to include diphotons.
  • Encodes NeutralBasicParticles in the SelReports as CaloCluster objects, saving E, X, Y, Z, and no substructure.
  • Creates the CaloClusterLine line type and uses this for the single calo cluster line.
  • Generalizes the TwoTrackLine line type to the CompositeParticleLine type and uses this line type for diphoton lines.

@dcampora @dovombru @kaaricha

Edited by Thomas Boettcher

Merge request reports
