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Enable lumi summary bank writing w/o all detectors present

Dorothea Vom Bruch requested to merge dovombru_lumi_counters into master

All decoding algorithms now run w/o segfaults even if no raw banks of the relevant sub-detector are present. This is assured by initializing the bank version to -1, which only gets changed if banks for a sub-detector are found. If the version is -1, the geometry is not initialized and the decoding kernels not called in the relevant operators. I decided to use this as check rather than the fragments memory size (which is zero if no banks are present), since the geometry checks would fail for an invalid geometry.

The HltLumiSummary bank gets written for events which fire the Hlt1ODINLumi line, as verified on MDF files written in standalone Allen. This now works also when no SelReport banks are written (there was an assumption for that in the offset calculation).

I suggest to leave the refactoring of the configuration and control flow of the lumi line and bank content for a different MR.

With this MR we can start testing sequences in data-taking including tracking (or other detectors) even if they are not in global which can be useful to test the machinery, get all reports written etc.

Goes with MooreOnline!144 (merged)

Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch

Merge request reports
