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Adapted Allen LHCbID to new convention from LHCb!3226 and stabilize MC matching

Christina Agapopoulou requested to merge new_lhcbid_convention into master

Goes together with LHCb!3226 (merged) and Lbcom!625 (merged)

This MR updates the Allen standalone convention for the ordering of sub-detectors in the LHCbID according to LHCb!3226 (merged) . Should wait for !977 (merged) to be merged first.

It also makes the MC matching of the TrackChecker more deterministic, as a stable sort is used when sorting the map of LHCbID - MCP ID.

mdf files for Allen standalone tests will have to be updated, as they have the LHCbIDs from the old convention.

  • Fix UT standalone tests
  • Update standalone Allen mdf files for testing
Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch

Merge request reports
