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Muon decoding add additional protection

Roel Aaij requested to merge muon_decoding_protection into master

Running the MooreOnline.mep_lumi test with an address sanitizer build pointed out some illegal data accesses which are now avoided.

To reproduce this issue MooreOnline!151 (merged) and a stack built with e.g. x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc11-dbg+asan is required. The following command can be then be used to show the issue:

python -m 1000 -t 3 --events-per-slice 1000 --tags upgrade/master,upgrade/md_VP_SciFi_macrosurvey --sequence
 ${ALLEN_INSTALL_DIR}/constants/calo_prescaled_plus_lumi.json --mep mdf:root:// --output-file mep_lumi.mdf --register-monitoring-counters 0

Merge request reports
