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Vanya Belyaev requested to merge vanya-fix-mcunpacking-for-uDST-v0 into master

With new (not yet released) stack of Analysis/DaVinci all my scripts running over MC-uDST are broken. Investigation shows that InputName property for UpackMCParticle/UnpackMCVertex points to non-existing locations "pSim/MCParticles" & "pSim/MCVertices" instead of correct 'pMC/Particles' and 'pMC/Vertices'. the patch fixes this problem.

  • for MC-uDST change InputName from pSim/ to pMC/

btw - If this fix is fine for @apearce, woudl it have sense to re-deploy Analysis ?

P.S. everything was fine with DaVinci v42r2 The appearence of this problem was rather unexpected for me.... I've not paid enough attention to nightlies for last couple of weeks and other problems masked this one

Merge request reports