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Commit 3f0fca48 authored by Marco Clemencic's avatar Marco Clemencic
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parent 5811122e
No related branches found
Tags v28r2
No related merge requests found
with 461 additions and 1751 deletions
# Package: BooleSys
gaudi_subdir(BooleSys v28r2p1)
gaudi_subdir(BooleSys v29r0)
gaudi_add_test(QMTest QMTEST)
package BooleSys
version v28r2p1
version v29r0
branches cmt doc
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ branches cmt doc
# Boole application # Maintainer
use Boole v28r2p1 Digi # Marco Cattaneo
use Boole v29r0 Digi # Marco Cattaneo
use BooleUMC v3r0 Digi # Tomasz Skwarnicki
use DigiAlg v5r2 Digi # Marco Cattaneo
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use CaloMoniDigi v2r6p1 Calo # Olivier Deschamps
use FTDigitisation v2r2 FT # Eric Cogneras
# Herschel
#use HCDigitisation v1r0 HC # Heinrich Schindler
use HCDigitisation v1r0 HC # Heinrich Schindler
# Muon
use MuonAlgs v6r13 Muon # Alessia Satta
......@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ apply_pattern container_package
apply_pattern QMTestSummarize
# Packages from other projects updated temporarily in this release
use GaudiConf v19r3
......@@ -3,6 +3,24 @@ Package: Digi/Boole
Package Coordinator: Marco Cattaneo
Purpose: LHCb Digitization program
</PRE><H1><A NAME=v29r0>2014-07-21 Boole v29r0</A></H1><PRE>
This version uses projects:
LCG 69root6 (ROOT 6.00/01), Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r0, Lbcom v16r0
and SQLDDDB v7r*, ParamFiles v8r*, FieldMap v5r*, AppConfig v3r*
First version to support ROOT6 in production
- Known issues
. Memory usage increased due to ROOT6 dictionaries. Workaround expected in
ROOT 6.01.
- New functionality
. First implementation of HC (Herschel) digitisation (not yet interfaced to
Boole Configurable) (HCDigitisation v1r0)
- Performance improvements
. Use the VDT math library in a few more places (RichDet v16r24)
</PRE><H1><A NAME=v28r2p1>2014-07-02 Boole v28r2p1</A></H1><PRE>
This version uses projects:
LCGCMT 68 (Root 5.34.18), Gaudi v25r2, LHCb v37r3, Lbcom v15r2p1
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ find_package(GaudiProject)
# Declare project name and version
gaudi_project(Boole v28r2p1
USE Lbcom v15r2p1
gaudi_project(Boole v29r0
USE Lbcom v16r0
DATA AppConfig VERSION v3r*
FieldMap VERSION v5r*
ParamFiles VERSION v8r*)
# Package: Boole
gaudi_subdir(Boole v28r2p1)
gaudi_subdir(Boole v29r0)
package Boole
version v28r2p1
version v29r0
# Remember to change version also in ../job/valgrind.job, ../job/
# ../CMakeLists.txt
......@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ Package Coordinator: Marco Cattaneo
Purpose: LHCb Digitization program
</PRE><H1><A NAME=v29r0>2014-07-15 Boole v29r0</A></H1><PRE>
- Changes to references to follow changes in underlying packages
. Updated ST noise values and sector efficiency for 2011 and 2012 MC
</PRE><H1><A NAME=v28r2p1>2014-07-02 Boole v28r2p1</A></H1><PRE>
- New functionality
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
# Make a new job object for Boole
j = Job( application = Boole( version = 'v28r2p1' ) )
j = Job( application = Boole( version = 'v29r0' ) )
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ while ($i < $nar)
set Bversion = "v28r2p1"
set Bversion = "v29r0"
echo "Executing valgrind for Boole $Bversion using options $options"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
# Package: GaudiConf
gaudi_subdir(GaudiConf v19r3)
set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY CONFIGURABLE_USER_MODULES GaudiConf.SimConf GaudiConf.DigiConf GaudiConf.CaloPackingConf GaudiConf.DstConf)
gaudi_env(SET STDOPTS \${GAUDICONFROOT}/options)
gaudi_add_test(QMTest QMTEST)
package GaudiConf
version v19r3
branches doc cmt options python src tests
include_path none
use LHCbKernel v* Kernel # For LHCbConfigurableUser dependency
use GaudiPolicy v*
# For L0 Decoding (Awaiting reorganisation of DAQ decoding options).
use L0DU v* L0
use RawEventCompat v* DAQ
use RawEventFormat v*
ignore_pattern package_stamps
set STDOPTS $(GaudiConf_root)/options
macro_append cppflags ' -DAPPNAME=\"${package}\" -DAPPVERS=\"${version}\" '
macro GaudiConfConfUserModules "GaudiConf.SimConf GaudiConf.DigiConf GaudiConf.CaloPackingConf GaudiConf.DstConf"
apply_pattern install_python_modules
#QM tests
macro MDF_use "" QMTest "MDF v* DAQ -no_auto_imports"
use $(MDF_use)
apply_pattern QMTest
This diff is collapsed.
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
# Job options to configure the data on demand service for decoding the RawEvent
print "# WARNING: You have imported, this is now replaced with a configurable. See savannah task #19106."
from Configurables import DecodeRawEvent
importOptions( "$L0TCK/L0DUConfig.opts" )
OutputDSTSeq.Members += { "TrackToDST/MuonTrackToDST" };
MuonTrackToDST.TracksInContainer = "/Event/Rec/Muon/MuonsTrackForAlignment";
MuonTrackToDST.StoreAllStates = True;
MuonTrackToDST.OutputLevel = 5;
DstWriter.ItemList += { "/Event/Rec/Muon/MuonsTrackForAlignment#1" }
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