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Changes for new FT geometry

Jeroen van Tilburg requested to merge dev-scifi-jtilburg into dev-scifi-master

This requires also the changes in the LHCb project: LHCb!299 (merged)
This belongs to JIRA tasks: LHCBSCIFI-2, LHCBSCIFI-22, LHCBSCIFI-53

DDDB layer with the new geometry in XmlDDDB:

from Configurables import CondDB

CondDB().addLayer(dbFile = "/eos/lhcb/wg/SciFi/Custom_Geoms_Upgrade/databases/DDDB_FT60.db", dbName = "DDDB")

Files for tests (only 5 events, with spillover, min-bias, nu=7.6):



Merge request reports