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WIP: Update references for LCG97

Rosen Matev requested to merge rmatev-LCG97 into master

The statistics for a single 1D histogram Rich1Gas/EffLOvPathL change for a few tests as seen in lhcb-lcg-test/15. In all cases the change is similar, note the very large third and fourth moments previously which are now zeros.

- | Rich1Gas/EffLOvPathL      | "Rich1Gas Effective length / unit pathlength" |    77   | 3.4614e-05 | 1.6396e-12 |-3.3345e+14 | 2.3123e+19 |
+ | Rich1Gas/EffLOvPathL      | "Rich1Gas Effective length / unit pathlength" |    77   | 3.4614e-05 | 0          |          0 |          0 |
Edited by Rosen Matev

Merge request reports
