Remove packages backported to reco14-patches stack
- Rec/LumiAlgs moved to Rec/reco14-patches
- Event/LumiEvent moved to LHCb/reco14-patches
- ST/STAlgorithms moved to Lbcom/reco14-patches
- MicroDST and Phys/DSTWriters moved to Analysis/2013-patches
- Relevant changes to Kernel/LHCbKernel, Kernel/LHCbAlgs, Event/EventPacker, Event/PackedEvent backported to LHCb/reco14-patches
- Remove Event/MCEvent, Event/DigiEvent, changes relative to reco14-patches are only relevant to Upgrade
- Remove Online/RootCnv, identical to version in LHCb/reco14-patches
Goes with LHCb!2820 (merged), Lbcom!515 (merged), Rec!2248 (merged), Analysis!715 (merged)
Edited by Marco Cattaneo